Weave of Sacred Sexuality Inspired by Wisdom Women Council of Sacred Sexuality.
By Nadine Keller
Sexuality is non-linear… it is poetry in motion
My body is Holy…
Here I meet Godddess and God…
in Breath, Spirit, Matter….
Here I know the Mystery of Life
I am the bridge between Heave and Earth…
In this seed… this flesh,… in your touch, my touch…
I feel you move with me and am lifted….
Luminous radiant golden, tender, sweet nectar…
Juices, Sweet ambrosia… I have waited to taste all of my life….
Butterfly Kisses from the Divine…

Your Eyes, lips, freckles, hands of delicate motion, tiny feet, carry you to me…
Rhythmic Pulsing Energy in my bones
I know myself through you
Every breath, hair, wrinkle…
Alive….. this is Life
Oh Radiant Numinous Golden One
Longing… this longing for you, God, it is in this longing I am found…
The Beloved is within
Sacred is the ground I walk upon,
Holy is this Body Temple.