Mandala Method FAQ

General Mandala Method Questions

Are the Mandala Method practices only for Buddhists?

Although the practices shared in these trainings are based in Tibetan Buddhism, they are accessible to people of any faith or gender identity. For those interested in mindfulness, this work offers a path to deepen and engage in embodied spiritual practice. For those long immersed in Buddhism, it provides rich new insights into familiar concepts.

I’ve been accepted or am a participant in Mandala Method courses. How can I engage in community events or continue my learning and training?

Join the Tara Mandala Network and view Events to find practice sessions for all the Mandala practices offered by sanghas and Authorized Teachers online and around the world. Be sure to also join the Mandala Method group within the Network to access discussion forums and special events related to the Mandala Method practices.

Do I have to take the Mandala Method levels in order?

Yes. The Mandala Method Levels build on each other, both in terms of an understanding of the five wisdom families upon which they are based, and in terms of the practices that are taught. You will deepen your personal work with each family in each level, as well as explore the different themes of the feminine, masculine, and sacred union energies as they reflect in you.

Do I have to complete all personal practice requirements to move between levels?

This is required for Certification track participants, so that they develop the necessary familiarity with the five families and practices to move into the Capstone retreat. 

For other participants, including Magyu participants, there is more flexibility. While it is recommended that you do complete the personal practice requirements between each course, it is not required. Magyu participants may complete the Mandala practice requirements at any time in their Magyu path.

Certification FAQ

When can I start the Mandala Method Certification Program?

Right away! As a beginner, you can begin by taking the Level I: Wisdom Rising – Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine self-paced course and apply to the Certification track. Please see the Path to Certification for a complete list of program steps. Apply here. You can join our mailing list to be notified by emailing us here.

In 2024, Level II: Journey into the Sacred Masculine will be offered starting in July. If you meet all practice requirements and have been accepted into the Certification Program by that time, you will participate in the Certification add-on training day, and subsequent support sessions. Level III will be offered in early 2025, and a Capstone Certification Retreat, later in 2025.

What if I’ve learned the Dakini, Buddha and Yab Yum mandala practices in prior Tara Mandala courses already?

If you have already taken prior mandala courses with Tara Mandala and completed the personal practice requirements, you may be eligible for the two-part Capstone retreat being offered in October 2024 and March 2025.

If you have received these practices, but have not completed the practice requirements and would like to become certified, please email us here to discuss your specific circumstances.

What if I’ve learned some of the mandala practices already from an authorized Tara Mandala teacher, but not all three?

It may be possible for you to just take the course Level(s) you are missing and/or to just take the Certification add-on day for those you have already taken. Please reach out to us here with your situation and we will help guide you.

What if I’ve already learned the five families and other mandala practices with other Tibetan Buddhist organizations?

You will need to take Mandala Method Levels I-III to become certified. Lama Tsultrim developed the mandala practices taught in the MMCP over many years, and familiarity with these specific practices is needed to engage in the Certification track. Your previous experience will be a great background as you participate in the Mandala Method retreats. However, please email us here if you feel your background may cover some of the prerequisites already.

Once certified, can I utilize enhancement practices (Life Reviews, Journeys, Work with Your Hands, Unblocking etc.) in individual client sessions apart from the full Mandala practice?

Yes. Once a client has been introduced to the five families, a certified professional may guide them in any of the individual enhancement practices within a one-on-one session. Additional guidance for working with individual practices will be included in training.

Once certified, will I be able to lead groups in these practices?

Not at this time. Once the first three planned cohorts have been certified (see below), a Group Certification Retreat may be offered (~2026), to authorize people to offer a selection of the above practices with groups. Until then, individuals may be given permission to work with groups on a case-by-case basis (for example Sangha Leaders, Apprentice Teachers, etc.). If you are interested in this please email us here.

Once certified can I teach Mandala Method daylongs, workshops, or retreats?

Not at this time. A Teacher’s Certification Retreat may follow the Group Certification Retreat for those in Teacher’s Training who would like to teach the Mandala Method Levels.

Is Feeding Your Demons included in the Mandala Method Certification?

Certification to lead Feeding Your Demons is not included in Mandala Method Certification. Please see Kapala Training for details on Feeding Your Demons Certification. 

In terms of practice requirements, participants who have learned Feeding Your Demons as a personal practice from a Tara Mandala authorized teacher, may utilize it as one of their mandala post-practice options, along with Journeys and Mandala Work with Your Hands. Note that Feeding Your Demons will not be taught within Mandala Method courses, so those participants who have not learned it should utilize the other two post-practice options only.

How do I register for the Certification Add-on days in Levels II and III?

These days are only open to those admitted to the Mandala Method Certification Program. Please see the Path to Certification to see the full pathway. Once you have applied and been admitted to the Mandala Method Certification Program, you will receive instructions for registering for these additional days. Apply here.

Mandala Method Certification Program


Mandala Method