Mandala Method Certification Program
The Mandala Method Certification Program (MMCP) provides training for those interested in working one-on-one with others utilizing the Mandala Method practices. The certification is ideal for therapists, coaches, counselors, sangha leaders, and other facilitators who desire to add this powerful framework and the associated practices to their professional toolkit.
The Mandala Method Certification Program is comprised of the three Mandala Method courses plus a Capstone Certification Retreat. Certification participants attend additional class sessions and receive regular support between these core courses:
Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine
Journey into the Mandala of the Sacred Masculine

While the first three are open to anyone and are a part of the Magyu program, Certification participants engage in additional training sessions to learn and practice working with others.
The Capstone Certification Retreat is open to Certification track participants only who have applied and been accepted into the Mandala Method Certification Program, and for those who complete all requirements will culminate in certification.
The Path to Certification
Individuals who wish to become certified in the Mandala Method must apply. Certification participants engage in deep personal work as they move through the four modules of training, experiencing firsthand the transformational power of the mandala practices. Participants are supported in regular partner work to deepen their understanding of how to facilitate the mandala practices. Principles of trauma-sensitivity, ethical engagement, gender identity, multicultural considerations and more are covered throughout the course.
Please note that only fully certified Mandala Method practitioners may use the Mandala Method practices to assist other individuals on a one-on-one basis only.
Completion of Certification does not grant authorization or permission to facilitate or use the Mandala Method practices or teachings in a group setting. Group Certification may be offered in a separate retreat at a later time.
The steps to complete Certification include:
- Complete an application for Mandala Method Certification: Therapists, coaches, counselors, sangha leaders and other facilitators who wish to use the Mandala Method practices with individuals are encouraged to apply. Apply here.
- Complete Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine: This course is offered as a self-paced course available anytime. Participants are guided by Lama Tsultrim Allione via video recording through teachings and practices on the Mandala. In Spring 2025, this course will also be offered with additional live teachings and practice sessions, more information and registration available here.

- Complete the personal practice requirements: 50 hours of Mandala of the Dakini practice (10 sessions per dakini) plus ½ hour post-practice for each family (Art through Mandala Work with your Hands, Journey with the Dakini, or optionally Feeding Your Demons). Total time = 75 hours.

- Complete Journey into the Mandala of the Sacred Masculine: next offered in Fall 2025. Certification applicants will participate in an additional Certification Track instruction day.
- Complete the personal practice requirements: 50 hours Buddha (10-hrs per Buddha), plus ½ hour post-practice for each (Art through Mandala Work with your Hands, Journey with the Buddha, or optional FYD-see above). Total time = 75 hours.
- Complete Guiding Practice Partner Work:
- Participants will attend monthly training sessions and be assigned partners to complete practice guiding the following enhancement practices:
- Journey with Dakini
- Journey with Buddha
- Element Meditation
- Unblocking the Encumbered Energy (Sound and Light Practice)
- Mandala Work with Your Hands
- Participants will attend monthly training sessions and be assigned partners to complete practice guiding the following enhancement practices:
- Complete Journey into the Union of Sacred Feminine and Masculine: which will be offered again in early 2026. Certification applicants will also participate in the add-on Certification instruction day.
- Complete the personal practice requirements required to move to the Capstone retreat: 50 hours YabYum (10 per YabYum), plus ½ hour post-practice for each (Art through Mandala Work with your Hands, Journey with the Yab Yum, or optional FYD-see above). Total time = 75 hours.
- Complete Guiding Practice Partner Work:
- Participants will attend monthly training sessions and be assigned partners to complete practice guiding the following enhancement practices:
- Guided Journey with Yab Yum
- Life Review
- Mandala of the Dakinis Practice
- Mandala of the Buddhas Practice
- Mandala of the Yab Yum Practice
- Participants will attend monthly training sessions and be assigned partners to complete practice guiding the following enhancement practices:

Mandalas occur throughout nature, including in flowers

- Complete Certification Capstone retreat. This retreat is offered annually on a cohort basis for those who have completed all requirements.
Upon Certification, practitioners will be authorized to work one-on-one with others utilizing any of the following:
- Five Family Assessment
- Life Review practice, for each of the five families (formerly called Regression)
- Meditation Practices: Mandala of the Dakini, Mandala of the Buddha, and Mandala of the Yab Yum
- Journeys with the Dakini, Buddha, or Yab Yum
- Unblocking the Encumbered Energy (Sound and Light Practice) for all five families
- Element Meditation for all five families
- Art through Mandala Work with Your Hands