The Magyu Path progresses through levels of practice and teachings, deepening the practitioner’s knowledge and realization. Each level will take about a year to complete, though you may move at your own pace.
Foundational Level
For most students, the Magyu Path begins with the Foundational Level. These courses have no prerequisites.
- Heart of Buddhism, a Year Long Buddhist Study Program This five part course offers an overview of core Buddhist teachings, moving from the early teachings of the Buddha, through the development of the Mahayana and Vajrayana. Students are introduced to foundational meditation practices, focusing on stabilizing attention, and opening awareness.
- Feeding Your Demons® Kapala Level I
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, see this link for full description of accumulations.

Secondary Level
The second level of the path of Magyu begins when the student has completed all the practice requirements of the Foundational Level.
- Feeding Your Demons® Kapala Level II
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, see this link for full description of accumulations.
- Chöd (from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche), the traditional practice which inspired Feeding Your Demons®. There is no prerequisite for this course.
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, you must accumulate 108 Chod sessions.

Mandala Level
Recommended to be taken as a one-year intensive of mandala-focused study and practice. The Mandala Trainings may be taken at any point within the Magyu path, ideally before Kapala Level III. There are no prerequisites.
- Mandala Training I (Dakini Mandala)
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, you must accumulate 75 hours of Mandala of the Five Dakinis: 10 x 1.5-hour sessions with each family (5 families total)
- Mandala Training II (Buddha & YabYum Mandala)
Practice Accumulation Commitment
75 hours of the Five Buddha Mandala: 10 x 1.5-hour sessions with each family (5 families total).
75 hours of the Yab Yum Mandala: 10 x 1.5-hour sessions with each family (5 families total).

Advanced Level
The advanced level begins when the student has completed all the practice requirements of the Foundational and Secondary Levels. The Advanced courses will take about 2-3 years to complete subject to the timing of the course offerings, which may be offered in alternating years The Mandala Level is highly recommended but not required to proceed through the Kapala Trainings.
- Kapala Level III
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, see this link for full description of accumulations.
- Dentog Chigma Chöd: Liberation in One Seat (the only prerequisite is the Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche Chöd)
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, you must complete a one month long Solo Dentog Chigma Chöd Retreat at Tara Mandala.
- Kapala Level IV
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, see this link for full description of accumulations.
- Kapala Level V
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, see this link for full description of accumulations.

Additional Required Magyu Practices and Retreats
These can be taken at any point along the path.
- Green Tara sadhana from the concise terma (revealed teaching) from Ösel Dorje Sangdzö, the “Luminous Secret Vajra Treasury,” as taught by Adzom Drukpa
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, you must complete a Green Tara retreat + 3 week Solo Green Tara retreat for 170 hours of mantra recitations.
- Lion-Headed Dakini (Simhamukha) – A Mind Terma of Ayu Khandro
Practice Accumulation Commitment
In order to accomplish this practice, you must accumulate 170 hours of mantra recitation after attending the retreat and before KT4.
- Zhitro (from Namchö Mingyur Dorje)
- P’howa
- Machig Longevity Practice
- 5 Day Sahaja Retreat

Fruitional Level
The final level begins upon completion of all practice requirements of the Advanced Level, as well as all other required Magyu practices.
- Dzogchen teachings, the Great Perfection, preparation practices.