The Kapala Levels are the primary stream of teachings and practices of the Magyu Path, joining formal meditation practices from Machig Labdrön’s lineage and Lama Tsultrim’s mindstream, with the powerfully transformative method of Feeding Your Demons®. “Kapala” is the Tibetan word for skullcup, which represents a cauldron of transformation in which encumbered patterns transmute into clarity, wisdom and compassion. (See Lama Tsultrim’s book, Feeding Your Demons: Ancient Wisdom for Resolving Inner Conflict)
As you move through the Kapala Levels, you will receive foundational Buddhist teachings, guidance on rituals and symbols of the Vajrayana tradition, and two Chöd practices.
The Magyu Path will also take you through the Mandala Trainings in which you receive teachings on the Five Buddha Families, representing five core encumbered patterns and their corresponding forms of wisdom. You will learn Lama Tsultrim’s three Mandala practices (Dakini, Buddha and YabYum Mandalas) and engage in personal transformation practices – using art, movement, sound and integration with the elements – that allow you to work with these patterns in your own life. (See Lama Tsultrim’s book, Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine).
Magyu includes a number of additional practices and retreats which can be taken in the order and time that best align with your path: Green Tara, Lion-Headed Dakini (Simhamukha), Zhitro, Phowa, Machig Labdrön’s Longevity Practice, and a 5-day Sahaja Retreat.

Due to the fact that this is a fresh and evolving lineage there may be some additions and variations as time goes on.

Practice Commitment: A member of Magyu: The Mother Lineage should be prepared to commit to a daily practice, with occasional solitary retreats and virtual day-long sessions, as well as all the necessary group retreats, either held virtually or in-person.
The Magyu Sangha is a vibrant community of fellow-practitioners who can connect with each other through online discussion forums (Tara Mandala Network), hosted virtual Magyu meetings, regular Magyu practice groups, and an annual Magyu gathering (held in-person and virtually, alternating). We encourage members to find a practice buddy with whom virtual or in-person meetings can take place regularly for shared practice. Kalyanamitras (spiritual mentors) serve as personal guides to support meditation practice and integration with daily life.
A Complete Path:
Magyu: The Mother Lineage program can be a complete path by itself, and it is possible to combine it with other programs such as the Ösel Nyingtig or Gateway cycles, for those students with the time, inclination, and endorsement of their Kalyanamitra and Lama Tsultrim Allione. This is a life-long path that extends far beyond merely obtaining some sort of certificate of completion. It is meant to bring you to full, complete awakening and that process can take a long time depending on one’s own unique karma, the depth of realization, and a commitment to authentically engage in these practices.
Applying to Magyu: The Mother Lineage Program:
Before applying to the Magyu: The Mother Lineage program, we ask that you attend at least one online program or in-person retreat taught by Lama Tsultrim Allione or one of Tara Mandala Teachers. This ensures that a potential applicant has a basic connection to this lineage and a meditation practice to begin their journey on this path.
After your entrance interview, acceptance and completion of the enrollment process, you will consult with your Kalyanamitra and begin to take the required courses and retreats, establish a daily practice, and accumulate the required meditation hours based on the level at which you are currently entering. You can set up a regular meeting time with your Kalyanamitra (spiritual mentor) approximately once a month. Those who have completed Kapala Levels I, II or III or other required retreats prior to entering the Magyu Program will not have to repeat them, but will need to document the practice hours required for each level.