Teachings, Courses, & Retreats

Date & Time Details: 4:00pm Friday, November 3, 2023 - 1:00pm Sunday, November 5, 2023

Location: Zentrum Sangha

Address: Stuckgasse 15 1070 Wien Austria

Contact: Mag. Gudrun Binder

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Feeding Your Demons – Transformation Through Love and Devotion (Retreat in Austria)

With Gudrun Binder

November 3 - 5, 2023

Den Dämonen Nahrung geben. Transformation durch Zuwendung
Ein Workshop in deutscher Sprache. Workshop will be held in German.

Demons – that are our fears, obsessions, a difficult relationship, self-hatred, anything that blocks our inner freedom. We tend to fight our demons, but the harder we fight them, the stronger they become. If we want to liberate ourselves from the fight, we must reverse our approach and nurture our demons. Following this paradigm – rather nurturing than fighting – Lama Tsültrim Allione adepted the revolutionary wisdom of Tibet’s great female spiritual master Machig Labdrön, an eleventh-century Tibetan Yogini, providing a powerful method for coping with the inner enemies that undermine our best intentions.

With Feeding your Demons (FYD) Lama Tsültrim Allione created a psychological five-step practice based on the ancient Chöd lineage of Machig Labdrön. She has taken a great and relatively unknown ancient lineage of practice and rendered it into accessible modern form without compromising its essence or losing its power. Machig’s strategy of nurturing rather than battling our inner and outer enemies offers a revolutionary path to resolve conflict that leads to psychological integration and inner peace.

In this weekend you will learn doing the five steps, go deeper in the background of FYD and will in future have a possibility to meet your demons and to liberate them step by step.

Retreat Schedule: Begins Friday 4 pm, ends Sunday 1 pm

Retreat Cost: 250 Euro – if course fee exceeds your budget, a separate fee can be agreed.

Contact to Register: Mag. Gudrun Binder (gudrun.binder@aon.at).


Gudrun Binder
Gudrun Binder studied psychology and philosophy at Vienna University focusing on the question of “I, self and reality.” Brain research, constructivism and system theory became her Western background leading to her study of the all-integrating philosophy and psychology of Buddhism. Integrating the wisdom of Buddhism in psychological work became her main focus…
Learn more about Gudrun Binder