Winter Solstice Celebration and 21 Taras Book Launch — ONLINE
With Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton
December 21, 2023
With Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton
Join us this Winter Solstice as we begin a new cycle with intention and compassion for all beings. Winter Solstice provides an opportunity for us to sit in the great mystery as we feel the earth turn back toward the light. This time of year has been honored throughout history in many cultures, and we will be joining our energy with others around the globe who are performing similar ceremonies during this special time.
Lopön Chandra invites you to celebrate the Return of the Light with a deep meditation attuning to the turning of the season, letting go of the old year and welcoming the new cycle in which we will release what we are letting go of from the past year while also setting intentions for the next solar cycle. All are welcome!
This is also a beautiful opportunity to come together as a sangha to celebrate the publication of Lopön Chandra’s new book, Embodying Tara: Twenty-One Manifestations to Awaken Your Innate Wisdom (2023). She will share excerpts and a guided meditation devoted to one of the 21 Taras. Please use code “ETARA30” for a 30% discount through Shambhala Press until January 12, 2024. Participants wishing to directly support Tara Mandala may pre-order their copy of the text through Tara Mandala’s Dakini Store at this link.
This program will take place: 11:00am – 1:00pm (Mountain Standard Time). Please use this link to see how this daily schedule translates into your timezone.
What to Bring?
Participants should bring a candle to light during the ceremony.
Who Should Attend?
This program is open to everyone.
Recording Access:
All participants will have a 1-year access period to the recordings.
What is a Tara Mandala Online Program?
Tara Mandala offers online programming via live and pre-recorded curriculum that give you the opportunity to access dharma teachings, engage in guided practice, experience personal retreat and hands-on learning, while connecting with other participants through easy-to-use online platforms and an engaged community network. When needed, the program description and schedule will inform you in advance if and when a specific online session must be attended live if a direct transmission (Tib. lung) may be given. Access to recordings of all sessions will be available for additional viewing for one year.
Tara Mandala Program Pricing
Choose an amount within this range if you have the financial security and capacity to support Tara Mandala at a higher level. The contributions we receive within this range make it possible for us to offer a below-cost Access Range to those practitioners with a limited income.
This range is for you if you:
- Own your own home and live comfortably without financial worry
- Have investments and savings
- Easily have access to money in times of need or emergencies
- Have the desire to help make the Dharma more accessible to others
Choose an amount within this range if you have the financial capacity to sustain Tara Mandala’s ability to offer high-quality programs. The contributions we gratefully receive within this range enable us to keep our prices low while covering the basic program costs.
This range is for you if you:
- Have the capacity to meet your basic financial needs
- Make your rent or mortgage and other monthly payments
- Are generally able to purchase new items and experiences for yourself
- Can afford to take trips and go on retreats
Choose an amount within this range if you have limited financial capacity or are currently experiencing financial hardship. The contributions we gratefully receive within this range go toward covering costs and are supported by contributions of those who choose the Generosity Range.
This range is for you if you:
- Have difficulty meeting your basic financial needs
- Are experiencing housing, employment, or income instability
- Live paycheck-to-paycheck and and lack money in times of need
- Face challenges due to devaluation of your currency against the US dollar.
Offering dana to the teacher: The practice of offering dana, which means “generosity,” is the traditional offering the student makes to the teacher as a symbol of appreciation, gratitude, and reciprocity for receiving the precious teachings. Information on offering dana to the teacher will be provided during the virtual retreat. To learn more about dana and suggested dana ranges, please click here.
Payment Plans and Financial Assistance
Tara Mandala offers two types of financial assistance: Deferred Payment Plans and Scholarships. You may apply for one or both of these types of assistance. Read the terms carefully as outlined on the financial aid application. Please see this page for further information.
Sustaining Sangha:
If you are currently a member of our Sustaining Sangha, you may apply your Online Program discount to this course. To learn more about Sustaining Sangha membership, benefits, and discounts, click here.
Click Here for Our Online Programs Cancellation and Refund Policy
This program will take place: 11:00am – 1:00pm (Mountain Standard Time). Please use this link to see how this daily schedule translates into your timezone.