Teachings, Courses, & Retreats

Machig Labdrön and the Nature of Mind: Self-Paced Program

Date & Time Details: Self-Paced Program

Location: Online

Contact: Online Programs Coordinator

Machig Labdrön and the Nature of Mind: Self-Paced Program

With Lama Tsultrim Allione

Open Dates

With Lama Tsultrim Allione

Machig Labdrön was an 11th century Tibetan yogini widely renowned for developing the practice of Chöd. She was recognized by the great scholars of her day to be an authentic master and had thousands of disciples. Machig was one of the few Tibetan women to establish practice lineages of her own, and her teachings have been disseminated into every school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Although she is most well-known for her teachings on Chöd, the core of Machig’s teachings is meditation on the Nature of Mind. This doesn’t refer to the conventional thinking mind, but the nature of mind itself that underlies our thought. It is the basis for teachings on Mahamudra, Dzogchen, and Prajñaparamita.

In this online program, participants will be led through the final teachings that Machig offered to her students, known as ‘Machig’s Last Instructions.’ These pith instructions cover the most essential and profound aspects of the great yogini’s lineage. She says of these teachings, “This old lady has no instructions more profound than this to give you.”

Lama Tsultrim Allione found and translated the namthar (hagiography) of Machig Labdrön for the ground-breaking book Women of Wisdom in the 1980s. In 2007, she was formally recognized as an emanation of Machig by two of the principle holders of Machig’s lineage. Since then, her main work has been to collect and re-establish the lineage of Machig Labdrön.

Key Features

Engage with the powerful teachings of the great Tibetan yogini, Machig Labdrön, on the ‘nature of mind’ as taught by her direct emanation, Lama Tsultrim Allione.  

What Will I Learn?

  • Understand the nature of your own mind, beyond intellectual study
  • Have a direct experience of nature of mind
  • Connect to Machig’s pith instructions, the essence of her teaching

Who Is This Course For? 

  • Anyone who wants to understand in simple language how the ‘nature of mind’ can be perceived and why it is key for expanding your meditation experience.


  • No prerequisites
  • No transmission needed (Tib. lung)


  • 4 hours of on-demand video
  • Practice Texts
  • Instruction on the Nine Breaths

Program Price: $75

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Date & Time Details: Self-Paced Program

Location: Online

Contact: Online Programs Coordinator

About the Teacher

Lama Tsultrim Allione
Lama Tsultrim Allione Lama Tsultrim Allione is the bestselling author of Women of Wisdom (1984), Feeding Your Demons (2008), and Wisdom Rising Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine (2018). Lama Tsultrim is the founder of Tara Mandala, a 700-acre retreat center with a three-story temple and library dedicated to the divine…