Teachings, Courses, & Retreats

  • $319.00 – Tier 1 (includes access to recordings of all sessions for up to 7 days from the end of the retreat)
  • $392.00 – Tier 2 (includes access to recordings of all sessions for up to 30 days from the end of the retreat)
  • $430.00 – Tier 3 (includes access to recordings of all sessions for up to 1 year from the end of the retreat)

Date & Time Details: May 20-23, 2021

Location: Online - Zoom

Suggested Dana Range: $80 - $240

The prices above do not include teacher offerings or dana. To learn more about dana and suggested dana ranges, please click here.

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Yuthok Nyingthig Karmamudra – VIRTUAL RETREAT

With Dönla Tsering and Erik Jampa Andersson, MA

May 20 - 23, 2021

‘The Yoga of Bliss’ refers to the ancient Buddhist practice of sexual yoga, known as Karmamudra, which uses specific techniques to transform the raw energy of ordinary pleasure, worldly desire, and orgasm into a path of liberation from suffering in our cyclic existence. This practice has been an essential part of the Tibetan religious tradition since the arrival of Buddhism in Tibet. 

The Yuthok Nyingthig contains a very extensive teaching on Karmamudra as a key point to achieve innate clear light experience through training in yogic exercises and utilizing the energy and channels to attain different levels of bliss experiences to integrate with meditation, for both men and women. 

Karmamudra refers to the ancient Buddhist practice of partnered sexual yoga, whether in pure visualization form or with a physical partner. Also known as ‘The Path of Skillful Means’ or ‘The Path of Great Bliss,’ karmamudra uses powerful meditation techniques to transform the raw energy of ordinary sexual pleasure, worldly desire, and orgasmic bliss into vehicles for spiritual transformation and liberation.

In this retreat you will have the opportunity to:

  • Aiming to inform and empower, these rarely taught practices are being offered in order to clear away common misconceptions and offer vital context and instructions through which beginner and advanced students of any gender or sexual orientation can learn to engage with typically destructive and distracting emotions in a skillful and healthy way.
  • This teaching includes an introduction to and empowerment for the Yuthok Nyingthig, the unique cycle of Vajrayana Buddhist practice connected with Tibetan Medicine, characterized by its concise and simple methods designed to bring about both worldly benefits–including improved health and longevity, enhanced healing and diagnostic skills–as well as the ultimate benefit of complete spiritual liberation.

Who Should Attend? 

  • Open to all Vajrayana Buddhist practitioners.

What To Expect?

  • Please note, that while traditional teachings and techniques will be introduced and may be practiced using visualization, no physical sexual practices will take place during this retreat.

To prepare for this retreat:

What is a Virtual Retreat?

Virtual Retreats are Tara Mandala At-Home intensive retreats, teachings and in-depth workshops during which practitioners receive dharma teachings, engage in guided practice, experience hands-on learning, and connect with other participants through an easy-to-use online platform (Zoom) during consecutive days (with few exceptions) and daylong offerings. This modality of learning is appropriate for practitioners who are able to create a practice container of their own, setting aside a dedicated retreat space, removing themselves from social media, and taking care of necessities with the mind of compassion in action for the specific dates and times that the teachings occur. 

Virtual Retreats are meant to be attended live given that direct transmission (Tib. lung) may be given. However, access to recordings of the sessions are available for additional viewing for various timeframes specified by the price level selected.


Tara Mandala offers tiered pricing for all virtual retreats to allow participants the opportunity to consider offering additional financial support for Tara Mandala while gaining greater access to the recordings of the teachings post-retreat. These are difficult times for everyone, and Tara Mandala is no exception. We encourage you to select at the highest level within your capacity to assist Tara Mandala in covering the costs to offer these wonderful teachings. We thank you in advance for your support and your practice!

$319 – Tier 1 (includes access to recordings of all sessions for up to 7 days from the end of the retreat)
Registration at this level covers the basic costs of holding this specific retreat. 

$392 – Tier 2 (includes access to recordings of all sessions for up to 30 days from the end of the retreat)
Registration at this level covers basic costs of this retreat and supports the year round staff at Tara Mandala.

$430 – Tier 3 (includes access to recordings of all sessions for up to 1 year from the end of the retreat)
Registration at this level covers basic costs for this retreat, supports year around staff as well as facilities maintenance and other critical operational needs.

Choosing Tier 2 or Tier 3 levels will allow Tara Mandala Retreat Center to continue to operate, be a repository for wisdom literature, a center for translation, a beacon for the feminine in Buddhism, and an active dharma center that provides refuge for deep practice and transformation.

There are many ways to support and engage with Tara Mandala’s activities. Click here to learn more. We appreciate your support and generosity!

Offering dana to the teacher: The practice of offering dana, which means “generosity,” is the traditional offering the student makes to the teacher as a symbol of appreciation, gratitude, and reciprocity for receiving the precious teachings. Information on offering dana to the teacher will be provided during the virtual retreat. To learn more about dana and suggested dana ranges, please click here. 

Note: Tara Mandala has two scholarship funds and offers deferred payment plans as resources for anyone with financial limitations. For more information and to apply, visit our Scholarships and Financial Assistance Page

Listed times are the online portions of the retreat. All times are Mountain Time.
Please use this link to see how this daily schedule translates into your timezone.

May 20:
8:00am – 9:30am MT: Introduction and Practice with Dönla Tsering
9:30am – 11:00am MT: Yuthok Nyinghtig Introduction with Erik Jampa
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Teaching and Q&A session with Erik Jampa

May 21:
6:00am – 6:45am MT: Practice Session with Dönla Tsering
8:00am – 10:00am MT: Teaching Session with Dönla Tsering
10:00am – 11:00am MT: Teaching Session with Erik Jampa
1:00pm – 2:00pm MT: Teaching and Q&A session with Erik Jampa

May 22:
6:00am – 6:45am MT: Practice Session with Dönla Tsering
8:00am – 10:00am MT: Teaching Session with Dönla Tsering
10:00am – 11:00am MT: Teaching Session with Erik Jampa
1:00pm – 2:00pm: Teaching and Q&A session with Erik Jampa

May 23:
6:00am – 6:45am MT: Practice Session with Dönla Tsering
8:00am – 11:00am MT: Empowerment and Closing Teachings


Dönla Tsering
Dönla Tsering was born to a Tibetan family in India, and at a young age was entrusted to the care of famous Tibetan scholar and astrologer Ngawang Dakpa. After finishing high school in Delhi, she moved to Italy, where she became a student of Dr. Nida Chenagtsang in 2002 with…
Learn more about Dönla Tsering
Erik Jampa Andersson, MA
Erik Jampa Andersson, MA, is an Environmental Historian, author, and scholar-practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism and Tibetan Medicine. He is a graduate of the Shang Shung Institute School of Tibetan Medicine, where he received a comprehensive education in the Four Tantras (rGyud bZhi), and holds an MA in History from Goldsmiths College, University…
Learn more about Erik Jampa Andersson, MA

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Tara Mandala

PO Box 3040
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Phone: 970.731.3711 Web: taramandala.org

Mission Statement

Tara Mandala offers solo and group practice, study, and retreat inspired by and anchored in authentic lineages of Vajrayana Buddhism, nurturing a complete path to ultimate realization as well as exploring the interface between Buddhist teachings and Western psychology … More »