Aging with Wisdom and Creativity: Deepening our Practice through Reflection and Writing
With Victress Hitchcock and Olivia Hoblitzelle
May 28 - 31, 2020
With Victress Hitchcock and Olivia Hoblitzelle
Many of us find ourselves dealing with issues around aging and how to respond creatively to this new phase in our lives. We may notice a quiet pull toward deeper, more committed practice or be propelled by the recognition that our mortality is closer. Although our prevailing culture views aging as a time of loss and decline, in fact our elder years are filled with opportunities for growth, reflection, and deepening in wisdom and love.
Please join us in what promises to be a wonderfully rich, deepening experience. Since aging is a timeless process, and writing a wonderful vehicle, we welcome anyone who is drawn to this exploration.
What Should I Expect?
- In this retreat, we will use writing in different forms – stories, poems, journaling –and small group sharing as a creative way to explore these issues. At the heart of writing as a practice is the ability to pay close attention to everything that is going on inside and outside of yourself and then allowing the words to arise that express what you experience through observation. In order to do that, the solid “me” must move aside and let the process of being with your experience unfold.
- Meditation and awareness practice will be central to the retreat. Each day, we will spend time cultivating our ability to pay attention, contemplating and writing from that place of aware perception, and finally sharing our writings with each other.
What Do I Need?
- All you need to attend is a notebook, a pen or pencil, a curious mind, and a willing heart.
Who Should Attend?
- This retreat is open to all.
To prepare for this retreat, we encourage you to:
- Read Aging with Wisdom: Reflections, Stories & Teachings by Olivia Hoblitzelle.
Suggested Dana Range: $120 – $200
What is Dana?
- Dana is a Pali word meaning “generosity.” As one of the six paramitas or “perfections,” the practice of generosity is an integral part of the Buddhist path. Dharma teachings are traditionally offered on the basis of dana which is offered to a teacher in recognition of the precious gift that has been given. Tara Mandala compensates teachers by only covering their travel and room and board while teaching. Tara Mandala suggests a range of dana for each retreat, based on the number of days in which the retreat will take place. There is an opportunity to give dana upon registration directly to the teacher(s) or at the end of each retreat, which is a special time of honoring what has been given and what has been received. For more information about Dana, click here.