Ear-Whispered Five Dakini Retreat
With Chöying Khandro MA
September 7 - 12, 2018
This retreat is an entryway to the sacred Chö practice of the Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage, the lineage of wandering yogis and yoginis. The lineage retreat includes the empowerment, transmission, and commentary, as well as the Tantric practice of visualization and mantra recitation while embodying the awakening energies of Chö Deities.
Our practice will be mainly based on the traditional text: A Retreat Manual of the Five Dakinis, the Preliminary to the Chö Instructions Entitled “A Wish-Fulfilling Powerful King,” composed by Tuken Lobsang Chökyi Nyima (thu’i bkwang blo bsang chos kyi nyi ma, 1737 – 1802). We will also supplement the practice with another prominent text: A Concise Retreat Manual of Great Mother and the Five Dakinis called “Accomplishing the Goal by Recitation,” written by Ngül-chu Dharmabhadra (dngul chu dharma bhadra, 1772-1851).
This retreat interweaves the Tantric practice of embodying the awakening energies of Prajnaparamita and the Five Dakinis with the transformation of conflicting emotions into pure awareness. This retreat is called “the Preliminaries to the Sacred Chö Practice,” a prerequisite to the further Chö practices of the Dâkinî Ear-Whispered Lineage. Retreatants are required to complete a certain number of mantra recitations with visualization, which can be continued as a daily practice after the retreat.
The practice text can be purchased after the Empowerment. The cost is $35.
September 7
Chö Empowerment, Opening the Door to the Sky
The Common Empowerment of Chö, Opening the Door to the Sky, according to the Ear-Whispered Lineage will be given in the evening of September 7th. This is a gateway to the Ear-Whispered Lineage practice, a prerequisite to attending the following retreat.
September 8 – 11 (4 days)
Silent Retreat
This lineage retreat focuses on the Tantric teachings and practice of the Prajnaparamita and the Five Dakinis according to the Ear-Whispered Lineage of Chö.
September 12
Tsok Offering
Open to all practitioners to purify their commitments and celebrate the end of the retreat.
For more info, please email dakiniswhisper@gmail.com or go to dakiniswhisper.com
Suggested Dana: $180-$240
Chöying Khandro, M.A., holds the complete transmissions of two lineages, the Ganden Ensa Ear-Whispered Lineage and the Machik Dakini Ear-Whispered Lineage, from her teacher, the late Ninth Khalkha Jetsun Dampa (1932-2012). She brings more than three decades of intense study and practice to her teachings and has completed a number…
Learn more about Chöying Khandro MA