SPECIAL NOTICE: Due to the wonderful attendance for this event on Saturday, February 1st, we exceeded our capacity, so we are hosting another free live Lung webcast for the same practices, with Dorje Lopön Chandra, on Saturday, February 15. Please see updated details below.
On Saturday, February 15th, Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton will offer our Open Webcast Transmission event. During this free LIVE webcast, she offers the Oral Transmission (Lung) for three of the core practices in the Tara Mandala community:
- The practice of Green Tara from the Ösel Dorje Sangdzö.
- The Riwo Sangchöd practice from the Rigdzin Sogdrub.
- The Chöd practice of Chögyal Namkha’i Norbu Rinpoche.
Webcast Access Information
Time: Saturday, February 15th, 11 AM Pacific Time
(12 PM Mountain Time/2 PM Eastern Time)*
Location: Zoom – Click here **
Duration: 45 mins
*Click here for time-zone conversion, for the event time in your area.
**Not on a computer? Read more Zoom instructions at the bottom of this email.
For any technical questions regarding the webcast, contact Technical Support on this page.
Transmission from teacher to student is one of the cornerstones of Tibetan Buddhism, maintaining a direct, unbroken Dharma lineage from the time of the Buddha. The blessings of the lineage masters are passed along to the student with the authorization to engage in the practice, creating the auspicious interdependence necessary for authentic accomplishments to ripen. As such, to receive any kind of transmission from an authorized lineage holder should be treated as a very special and sacred occurrence. In ancient times, notice of such events would be shared discreetly through secret language about traversing the paths. Today, we are blessed with the ability to benefit countless beings through the internet. We ask that only those with a sincere interest in studying and engaging in the practice of the above teachings attend the transmission in order to maintain continuity and respect for the lineage.
Teachings & Practice
Once you receive transmission, you will be authorized to access explanatory teachings (Tri) on these practices and to do them on your own. Tara Mandala Online currently offers cutting-edge online programs to guide students in detail through each of the three practices.
For personal guidance in your area, you can contact a local Tara Mandala Global Sangha. Tara Mandala also holds retreats on our 700-acre land. For a deeper connection to the lineage and in person retreat opportunities, please be sure to check out Tara Mandala Retreat Center’s schedule for our onsite offerings.
Dana is a Pali word meaning “generosity.” There is no charge for this transmission event. You have an opportunity to offer dana directly to Dorje Lopön Chandra. This offering is optional, and NO ONE will be turned away for lack of funds.
Please click on this link to offer dana to Dorje Lopön Chandra
About Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton
Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton, Buddhist teacher and translator, studied Buddhism and Tibetan language at the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives in Dharamsala, India, founded by H.H. Dalai Lama. She later received her degree from UCSB’s religious studies department at which time she co-translated Sublime Dharma, A Compilation of Two Texts on the Great Perfection, published by Vimala Publishing, 2012. From the very beginning of her Buddhist studies, Dorje Lopön Chandra recognized the profound need to bring forth the voice of the sacred feminine in Buddhist theory and practice. Due to this, in 1999 during her first pregnancy, she met and then later began to study with Lama Tsultrim Allione, pioneering female Buddhist teacher, national best selling author, and founder of Tara Mandala Retreat Center. Dorje Lopön Chandra is the Assistant Spiritual Director and Lead Senior Teacher at Tara Mandala Retreat Center. She serves on the Tara Mandala Board of Trustees, develops programs and curricula for Tara Mandala, as well as teaches nationally and internationally. In September of 2015, during the final day of the White Dakini Drubchen, Dorje Lopön Chandra was enthroned as the Dorje Lopön (Vajra Teacher) of Tara Mandala under Lama Tsultrim Allione and given the name Lopön Yeshe Dawa Zangmo by H.E. Gochen Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche who presided over the ceremony with Lama Tsultrim. Dorje Lopön Chandra has had the good fortune to study with many Tibetan and Western Buddhist teachers such as H.H. Dalai Lama, H.H. Karmapa, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche, Jennifer Welwood, B. Alan Wallace, Gyatrul Rinpoche, Adzom Paylo Rinpoche, and Lama Pema Dorje. Dorje Lopön Chandra is currently on the Tara Mandala Bay Area coordinating committee, through which she teaches and organizes events in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Study the Online Programs
Riwo Sangchöd
Riwo Sangchöd is the most widely-practiced sadhana for the Tibetan rite of sang, fragrant smoke offering. Sang is an ancient and powerful practice for purifying sickness, removing obstacles, accruing merit, and paying karmic debts. Through making offerings to the Buddhas & Bodhisattvas, Dharmapālas, Dakinis, and all sentient beings as well as to our ‘demons,’ obstacle makers, and obstructors, we are able to avert negativity and increase positive circumstances for all beings.
Chöd of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche
Chöd, the practice of severance, is a profound ritual for dealing with fears, illnesses, and difficult emotions. Developed in the 11th century by the great Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön, the practice of Chöd slowly transformed from an obscure practice lineage into a cornerstone of multiple schools of Tibetan Buddhism. The practice of Chöd is a unique blend of the Mahayana, Vajrayana, and Tibetan Shamanic traditions, with deep philosophical roots in the Prajñāparamitā (Perfection of Wisdom) literature. The practice is sung with accompaniment by a ritual drum and bell, creating a ritual environment that is rich with many layers of symbolic and energetic depth.
**Lung with Dorje Lopön Chandra. Saturday, February 1.
Zoom Meeting Instructions
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+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
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Meeting ID: 735 623 394