Wisdom Rising Online Program – March 2019
Aug 08


  1. rebecdavis13
    April 7, 2019 at 4:55 am · Reply

    I’m having trouble accessing the weekly lessons. Every time I click on the link to continue with the next lesson (I need to get to the Buddha Dakini enhancement practices), it loops me back to this page.
    Thanks in advance for your help!

  2. Faustyna
    April 3, 2019 at 2:48 pm · Reply

    Hi, are you planning any online courses this year (after this one)?

    • elaine harding
      April 3, 2019 at 3:18 pm · Reply

      We will have a self-paced Wisdom Rising course (not live – so no webcasts) available soon. We may have another ‘live’ version later in the year – maybe October. Elaine

  3. Parama
    March 29, 2019 at 7:38 am · Reply

    I got this course as a 40th-birthday-gift for myself and started a bit delayed… I had read the book Women of Wisdom, about 5 years ago while I was feeling kind of stuck on my spiritual journey -I’ve been practicing and teaching Yoga and Tantra for the last 9 years (mainly focused on Kashmiri Shaivism and also right-hand traditional Hindu Tantra practices) and it brought a lot of insights and clarity to my life and practices as a woman and I always wanted to meet Lama Tsultrim Allione… So now I’m so delighted to have the chance to do this online course with her and having just listened to first week videos confirmed my feeling of doing the right thing for myself. My main intention to do this course is to gain deeper understanding of the Tibetan Mandala and its connection to the Dakini, hence seeing and understanding my inner mandala in a clearer and wiser way, bringing myself closer to the power of the fierce feminine in a wise and centered way. I believe this journey will also bring a lot of light into my classes and teachings. Thank you.
    Love and light,
    Parama Cisem Kartal

    • elaine harding
      March 29, 2019 at 12:07 pm · Reply

      That’s wonderful to hear and so glad you’re finding value in the course! Elaine

  4. Ekaterina Miroslavskaya
    March 24, 2019 at 8:01 am · Reply

    Good day to everyone,
    My intention for this course is to learn more about the sacred feminine and especially about its fierce part, to integrate that fierce manifestation not as a destructive force but as a life force. I want to look at the suppressed anger, to liberate that energy and to transform it to the energy for action, for clear vision and for clear understanding. I am also really eager to learn and practice the mandala principle as a template for bringing my psychic to “oneness’ and ‘wholeness’ grounded in the center. I have been long reading Lama Tsultrim Alione’s work stroked by recognition and connection; and I am now truly excited and dedicated to bring that knowledge into practice and to integrate it into my daily life. Bright path to everyone! Ekaterina

  5. beckamonte
    March 23, 2019 at 11:39 am · Reply

    I am taking this course as a means to teach myself more about my true self . As a woman who has natural fire energies that have been suppressed , I have felt incomplete. Embracing my fire , is bringing a sense of wholeness. So, I am seeking skill, wisdom and mentor ship from women who have wisdom to share.

  6. elizabeth1
    March 20, 2019 at 12:36 am · Reply

    I am a bit delayed here. My intention is to develop a relationship with a Dakini guide and protector. On a more immediate level, I found the Chod online program here, which I began, and I am currently practicing the drum. (It is not as immediate or simple to control it so that the beaters strike as shown). I was also taking a course with Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche about Healing with the 5 Elements. We did a similar practice: the 5 elemental goddesses associated with the 5 Buddha families. I wanted to go farther with this so when I saw this course open, I joined. I also recently relocated from an urban area with many dharma centers to a rural area without any. (NYC to Black Hills, SD). That inspired me to take online classes. I would like to come visit Tara Mandala one of these days. My root guru is Geshe Kelsang Gyatso Rinpoche. I’ve taken Refuge, Bodhisattva, and Tantric Vows with him. I have studied with many others, over the course of my life, beginning with Ashrams and Indian teachings. The NYC Zen centers, Shambhala, New Kadampa, then Chogyal Namkhai Norbu for Dzogchen. I’ve done silent retreats through the very kind and generous Goenka, of Vipassana. So, I am well rounded in dharma. 🙂 I have overcome many obstacles to fulfilling my aspirations, which would be to ordain/be full time if possible. However, I am satisfied with dedicating as much of my time to practice as possible. One of my attractions to Dzogchen is how it incorporates the body in a very intentional way. The body has been the seat of much of my karma needing purifying in this life, so these practices have been instrumental for me. I ma also a psychotherapist, so I look for opportunities to integrate teachings into my practice, especially somatically oriented ones. I look forward to the teachings and practice! Thank you. Elizabeth

  7. Faustyna
    March 19, 2019 at 3:46 am · Reply

    I understand. You’re right. I will ground the practice, penetrate what the mandala is, and observe why I want to do the week 3 when is week one…
    Blessing, Faustyna

  8. Faustyna
    March 18, 2019 at 2:27 pm · Reply

    Hi, why the week three is unavailable? I’ve started it today and now I see it’s closed …. Is it any chance it will be avaiable before 23/03?
    Greetings, Faustyna

    • elaine harding
      March 18, 2019 at 4:13 pm · Reply

      Hello Faustyna, we generally only make the next week’s available as we finish one week. That way people won’t jump ahead too much. I’m assuming you have already finished week 1 and 2, is that right? I would suggest that you spend time with the Dakini Mandala practice this week so that week 3 you feel very grounded in it. Elaine

  9. chrplantinga
    March 18, 2019 at 10:00 am · Reply

    Hello everybody, I’m Christina Plantinga from the Netherlands. Sorry for my English . my intention for this course is to deepening mypractice and connect with te female wisdom energy so I can be in the full potention I want/ suposed to be in this lifetime. Buddhisme has been part of my life for about 20 years. I’ m looking forward for the connection we will make in the mandala.

  10. leanne.northrop
    March 17, 2019 at 12:14 pm · Reply

    Hello to everyone, so lovely to be on this course. I only signed up late last night so am in the process of catching up.
    My intension is to really deepen my understanding of the visualisations and the elements as related to describe many aspects: health, heart, mind, environment. I’m currently attempting to do a ‘depth year’ of studies on the elements based on Lama Allione’s Wisdom Rising book as well as another called Queen Up! and doing 3 months on each element and just coming to the end of earth element focus. I already have discovered that it’s quite to digest and am currently wondering if I need to continue next year to get an idea of cycles. I wish everyone all the best.

  11. melbefree
    March 17, 2019 at 12:46 am · Reply

    Happy to be on this learning journey with everyone, and a deep gratitude for
    our teachers; Lama Tsultrim Allione: and Lopön Chandra Easton.
    I came upon the path 4 years ago, as there was a deep longing at first fix myself, then that idea dissolved, when I discovered there is no need to fix myself anymore, but rather love myself. I’ve come from an old story line of child hood traumas and early adult trauma. I started with the work with Dr Peter Levine and Susan Anderson, Healing trauma. then Reginald Ray, in somatic meditation. Also Ive been working with The diamond approach and a teacher every month for three years now. I’ve listened also to many audible teachings from Pema Chodren, and many more on the teachings the Buddha. All of these teachings always had some sort of golden nugget for a new and ever unfolding awaking of my true nature.
    I’m at a Place of gratitude and spacious peace now, but that does not mean my propensities do not arise, it just means i recognize them and know to be with them in loving kindness and to follow the thread like an ocean wave.
    Among those many books included Lauma Tsultrim Allione’s books: The Mandala of the Enlightened Feminine, Wisdom Rising, and Feeding your Demons. Im an artist and in the course of the past healing 4 years I have drawn many mandala’s and I will publish them after this retreat for the benefit of all beings to enjoy. I’m excited to dive even deeper into my souls journey. I long for the teachings on the feminine side, as much of my past trauma is masculine related, and my lessened propensities also have to do with the masculine.
    Thank you Kindly Melissa

  12. Neelam Bains
    March 16, 2019 at 8:31 pm · Reply

    I have taught realization through the body for over 20 years. I have had a practice in various forms for as long as I can remember.
    Fir the past 14 years, I have had a serious illness and will be having (hopefully) a kidney transplant.
    I am taking this course in order to prepare for the next leg of my life’s journey…however long or short that may be.
    Dearly looking forward to this time together.

  13. Avatar photo
    Chandra Easton
    March 16, 2019 at 4:47 pm · Reply

    It’s such a pleasure to read your initial intentions for this journey we will embark on together. I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow for our first webcast!

  14. keltiawind
    March 16, 2019 at 4:03 pm · Reply

    This course came to my attention just as I was searching for a deeper dimension to my practice. I look forward to studying and learning along with all of you.

  15. keltiawind
    March 16, 2019 at 4:02 pm · Reply

    Hello friends,

    This course to my attention just as I was searching for a deeper dimension to my practice. I too am just beginning the Feeding Your Demons practice and hope to share it with others once I become more skilled. Looking forward to studying and learning along with all of you.

  16. wyeisland
    March 16, 2019 at 1:23 pm · Reply

    I am a woman who wants to sit in the center of my sacred mandala. Learning about the mandala with respect to the Dakini and the sacred feminine will empower me to embrace and integrate all aspects of my psyche to realize my Buddha nature. When I have that deep insight i can be most beneficial to all beings. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

  17. Mauricio
    March 15, 2019 at 9:08 pm · Reply

    Hi there!
    I’m taking this course with the hope of ground myself to reality; and learn to touch the earth with my mind and heart. I’ve been listening to Lama Tsultrim Allione for almost two years now through the web, and have started the Feeding your Demons pratice. As I found this incredible simple, profound, yet obvious –in a way– I hope to find here more of that kind of wisdom.

  18. Faustyna
    March 15, 2019 at 5:48 pm · Reply

    Dears ,
    my intention for this course is to rise the compassion and transform a fear into the Mirror – like Wisdom.

    with love and gratitude,

  19. averill
    March 15, 2019 at 8:50 am · Reply

    Good Morning Course Participants,
    Repurposing the words of Lama Tsultrim Allione…because so much of what she has said is intuitively on point.
    Intention: Explore the use of the Tibetan mandala to turn the raw material of my neurotic mind into wisdom. This powerful personal transformation then serves as a beacon of hope for our families of origin, the human family, and all our relations. Having an understanding of the vast amounts of suffering in our world, from ecological degradation, to lack of mutual respect among peoples and the violence it manifests, and also having experienced the negative effects of utilizing fierce feminine power without wisdom – I seek a tool of awareness which will generate discernment and enable the direction of (infinite) energy in the most beneficial manner possible. Living this, from my perspective, at this point in time, seems of the utmost importance NOW.

  20. nsp512
    March 14, 2019 at 10:36 am · Reply

    I’m taking the Wisdom Rising course because I want to deepen my meditation practice. I read Women of Wisdom in 2 weeks and it totally changed everything for me. I’ve been meditating for about 12 years and I’m finally able to comprehend and understand what I am reading, I’m able to open up to a lot of pain and see it transform in my sittings and everyday life. But I still get triggered at times with work, family, etc. and I want to learn about mandalas, dakinins and the 5 Buddha Families to deepen my practice so I can open up to this pain so I don’t take it out on the people I love. I’m really happy this course is available. Thank you. Nicole T.

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