Gateway Retreats


This program is for dedicated practitioners and consists of all the practices done in the traditional Vajrayana three-year solitary retreat but is adapted for the modern practitioner living in the world. This lineage comes to Tara Mandala through the kind guidance and blessings of Tulku Sang-ngag Rinpoche, who received this cycle from his teacher, the great Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. See below the upcoming retreats and events connected to this cycle and click here for more information about this long-term path.

September 2024

BY INVITATION ONLY This retreat, for the three advanced cohorts who are practicing Dzogchen from the Dzinpa Rangdröl, will be a practice retreat at Tara Mandala Retreat Center in Colorado. A balance of group practice and individual practice outdoors will allow for a deepening of practice experience.

Sep 06 - 11 2024
North America
Lopön Beth Lee-Herbert
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