Machig’s Bundle of Wisdom
With Lama Sarah Harding • September 22 – 25
Virtual Retreat
The Great Bundle of Precepts on Severance may be the earliest teaching on Chöd attributed to Machig Labdrön (1055 – 1149), the progenitor of this unique system of Tibetan Buddhist practice, and therefore the closest to her as the source. According to some narratives, she gave this teaching to Indian adepts who were entirely convinced that it was the genuine Buddha Word … Read more »
Sarah Harding completed a three-year retreat in 1979 under her teacher, Khyabjé Kalu Rinpoché. She was associate professor of religious studies at Naropa University for twenty-five years, now retired, and a translation fellow of the Tsadra Foundation since 2000. Her published translations include Creation and Completion; Machik’s Complete Explanation; Niguma: Lady of Illusion; The Life and Revelations of Pema Lingpa; The Treasury of Knowledge: Esoteric Instructions; Four Tibetan Lineages; and … Read more »
Being with Darkness and Death as a Source of Power
With Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel • October 14 – 16
Virtual Retreat
A retreat to explore what appears as darkness in our lives and in the world. While we each attend to dark experiences in our own ways, there is a larger meta power at work in which death and darkness can be understood as transformative and ascendant … Read more »
About Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel
Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, born to parents who migrated from rural Louisiana at the start of WWII, has walked through many different doors spiritually and academically. She was ordained in the Suzuki Roshi lineage. She has a PhD and she’s also a poet and author. Essentially, she’s a Seer in which she has woven herself into various frameworks to ultimately bring forth her visionary work. Zenju has embraced the active role of Seer, in watching for obstacles to awareness, despite the loss of such a role in the American culture … Read more »
Three Kaya Wisdom Dakini Principle
With Sangye Khandro • October 29
Virtual Dharma Talk
Sangye Khandro will introduce the meaning of the three kayas from a Dzogchen perspective in terms of ground, path, and fruition. She will elaborate upon the way to know and recognize the three kayas based on those three occasions, and discuss the three kaya dakini principle and how this manifests in our world … Read more »
Sangye Khandro became a Buddhist in 1971 when she traveled to Asia, finally arriving in Dharamsala, India, where she began six-months of study at the newly opened Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Throughout the next seven years, she continued her studies of Buddhist teachings and the Tibetan language. She helped to establish numerous dharma centers in the United States and has served as translator for many prominent masters in all four lineages. Sangye has been the spiritual companion of the Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche … Read more »
Sacred World: Navigating Life with Courage, Savvy and Grace
With Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel • November 12
Virtual Retreat
Sacred world, in the context of buddhadharma, comes from broadening our capacity to go beyond our dualistic tendencies – the tendencies to brace against suffering and try to manufacture happiness. We have the capacity to experience the world with tremendous depth, compassion, and courage … Read more »
About Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel
Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel has studied and practiced the Buddhadharma for 35 years under the guidance of her teacher and husband Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche. She is the retreat master of Samten Ling in Crestone, Colorado and has spent over six years in retreat. She holds a degree in anthropology and an M.A. in Buddhist Studies. She teaches throughout the U.S., Australia, and Europe. She is the author of The Power of an Open Question: The Buddha’s Path to Freedom and The Logic of Faith: the Buddhist Path to Finding Certainty Beyond Belief and Doubt … Read more »
We look forward to your attendance for these precious teachings, and may all beings benefit!
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala