“Meditating on the mandala is a tool or template for reintegration … The psyche that has moved into dualistic fragmentation experiences reunion.”
~ Lama Tsultrim Allione, from her book Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine.
The further we dive into Lama Tsultrim’s Wisdom Rising message, the more we see how it brings healing and clarity to everything we do. Recognizing this, we offer these onsite and online retreats, unique opportunities to return to wholeness. Browse these retreats below.
With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton • March 21 – May 9
Early Bird opportunities until March 9
This popular Live Program is a celebration and invitation to discover what the divine feminine means for you. Through seven weeks we journey into the Mandala of the Five Dakinis, through accessible IN-powering practices that are grounded in the ancient spiritual wisdom of Tibetan Buddhism and the empowered feminine. Learn online with over 13 hours of teachings, guided meditations, worksheets, four live webcasts with Lopön Chandra and much more! Bring Wisdom Rising into your life and home. Recommended: for those interested in Meditation, Emotional Intelligence, Energy Work. Read more »
What does the Feminine Principle mean for you? In this video Dorje Lopön Chandra cuts to the heart of what we discover in the Wisdom Rising Online Program.
Journey into the Dakini Mandala: A Meditation and Writing Retreat
With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer and Ranjini George • May 20 – 24
As writers, how do we create a spine, a necklace, to hold our story together? How do we create a compelling narrative to tell the story that we long to tell? Through meditation and work with the Five Wisdom Dakini Mandala we will deeply experience the feminine expression of transformation, and discover ways to stay inspired and cultivate the discipline, energy, and one-pointed attention that is necessary to bring anything to accomplishment: a novel, a memoir, a poem, a story — and an awakened and compassionate life. Recommended: for those interested in Writing, Contemplative Practice, Philosophy. Read more »
Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Sacred Masculine
With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen and Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer • September 2 – 8
In this retreat we will work with the Mandala of the Five Buddhas, representing the enlightened masculine as the capacity to act skillfully and with wise compassion. These are capacities that must be nurtured by all of us, regardless of our gender identity. We will also engage in enhancement practices, including art and work with our hands, Feeding Your Demons®, guided journeys, and integration with the elements through meditation. Recommended: for those interested in Psychology, Societal Awakening, Creative Expression. Read more »
Join us as Wisdom Rising expands into a broader range of topics. May wisdom rise for all beings!
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala Retreat Center