We want to share with you this heart-warming news we recently received from the Tara Mandala Poland Sangha:
Dear International Sangha, Dear Vajra Brothers and Sisters,
We would like to THANK YOU ALL from the core of our hearts for being such wonderful practitioners of Dharma in action, practitioners of compassion and generosity! We are touched by your bodhicitta! So far we have received from you $11,727 USD for Ukrainian refugees. Waves of gratitude for all who are helping!
We are enormously grateful to Lama-la, who offered us the most precious spiritual support from the very first moments of the war in Ukraine, launching the practice call and giving the most valuable teachings. Warmest gratitude to Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam, who met online with the Polish Sangha and gave us helpful advice. Special thanks to Martha Tornielli who was the “spiritus movens” of the international action of collecting money for the Ukrainian refugees. We are grateful to individuals and to Tara Mandala Sanghas all over the world: New England, Netherlands and Bay Area Sanghas; many practitioners from the German Sangha who sent us dana that was offered for 13th Tara practice (thank you, Bettina!). On our side we are doing our best to use this money to provide help for human and animal beings who are suffering because of the war in Ukraine.
Here is the summary of our activities:
- 1. Bought and delivered groceries and toiletries to the refugee centers in Warsaw that rely mainly on the donations from private individuals (like most refugee centers do).
- 2. Sent money to the foundation Sichowska Fundacja Edukacyjna that turned their guesthouse into a shelter for Ukrainian mothers with children with special needs.
- 3. Joined the effort initiated in Cracow called “Women for Women” and bought personal items (underwear, sanitary napkins, cosmetics etc.) for Ukrainian women. We were very moved experiencing the feeling that they are our mothers, sisters, and daughters.
- 4. On a regular basis we help Hanna and Marian, a Ukrainian mother and her 30-year old son. Right before the war started Marian underwent a very serious oncological operation that resulted in a stoma. He will undergo another operation in Poland. We help them by paying rent for their room, paying for medical visits, NutriDrink supplements for Marian and other expenses connected with his treatment that are not covered by our national health system and are beyond their budget.

- 5. Financially support the foundation Stawiamy na łapy based in Cracow, which through the efforts of volunteers, help rescue cats from war torn Ukraine.
- 6. Aided the foundation Pracownia na rzecz wszystkich istot (our sangha member Kasia works for them). They turned their Ecological Education Station in Bystra into a temporary home for Ukrainian mothers with young children.
- 7. Gave a donation to the foundation Szczęśliwe dzieci that is taking care of children from orphanages and foster care evacuated from Ukraine.
- 8. Offered financial aid to Vita, a young mother with three daughters (Anitka – 5 years old, Sofka – 6 years old, Violetta – 18 years old) so she could purchase clothes, personal hygiene products and necessary medicines.
- 9. Donation to the foundation Słonie na balkonie helping refugee children in emotional crisis.
- 10. Bought and delivered food for 100 dogs and cat refugees from Ukraine that found homes in the animal shelter run by Fundacja Viva.
- 11. Sent money to the foundation called Feminoteka (feminist activists) that offers professional psychological help for Ukrainian women refugees that are the victims of rapes and sexual abuse.
- 12. Financially aided the efforts of a small group of very determined Polish individuals who transported the most necessary medications, disinfectants, sedatives, bandages, plasters, etc. to the city of Charkov. Since the beginning of the war the city is being bombed and shelled, and its inhabitants must seek shelter in the subway.
- 13. Helped 21 year old Sasza, who is an artist and who fled the Russian-troops occupied location of Kherson – we bought her paints, bushes, pigments and other necessary equipment, so that she could earn her keep and send money to her elderly parents in Kherson. Sasza paints beautiful artistic frescoes. (See the image of her work “Ukraine, the goddess”).
- 14. Bought clothes for Halina and her three daughters. Halina miraculously fled Mariupol with just a few plastic bags. Her husband is in the Ukrainian army.

All this may seem like a drop in a bucket, but with many drops the bucket will be filled and all drops are valuable.
Once again thank you for your open-hearted, precious help.
Iwona, Sandra, Drime, Eliza and Ela from the Polish Sangha