Oct 07

Teacher Spotlight: Sangye Khandro

We are honored to share with you the upcoming Virtual Dharma Talk with Sangye Khandro, Three Kaya Wisdom Dakini Principle on Saturday, October 29.

Please enjoy this “Teacher Spotlight” blog post on Sangye Khandro. To learn more about Sangye Khandro’s upcoming Virtual Dharma Talk, read below, or click here.

Sangye Khandro became a Buddhist in 1971 when she traveled to Asia, finally arriving in Dharamsala, India, where she began six-months of study at the newly opened Library of Tibetan Works and Archives. Throughout the next seven years, she continued her studies of Buddhist teachings and the Tibetan language.

She helped to establish numerous dharma centers in the United States and has served as translator for many prominent masters in all four lineages. Sangye has been the spiritual companion of the Venerable Gyatrul Rinpoche for over thirty years and has continued to serve the centers established by her root teacher, Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche.

She also had the good fortune to become a disciple of Dungsei Thinley Norbu Rinpoche, who helped her sharpen her translation skills for many years. Sangye Khandro is a co-founder of Light of Berotsana Translation Group and continues to work closely with Lama Chönam to translate and publish important tantras, shastras, and Great Perfection upadesha treatises.

She has been the personal translator for the principal teachings delivered by Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche for the past twenty years. Fully authorized to transmit this lineage received directly from Kyabje Dudjom Rinpoche, Sangye has been teaching and transmitting the Tröma Nagmo Chöd actively for many years.

Please enjoy this video of Sangye Khandro offering an aspiration prayer for Lama Tsultrim Allione for her 75th birthday.

Three Kaya Wisdom Dakini Principle

With Sangye Khandro• October 29

Sangye Khandro will introduce the meaning of the three kayas from a Dzogchen perspective in terms of ground, path, and fruition. She will elaborate upon the way to know and recognize the three kayas based on those three occasions and will then discuss the three kaya dakini principle and how this manifests in our world and to the minds of practitioners based upon ground, path and fruition. She will discuss the Dudjom tradition of Chöd and how this integrates all three dakinis as a unique practice for actualizing the three kaya wisdom … Read more »

We look forward to you joining us for these precious teachings.

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

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