“Radiate boundless love towards the entire world.”
This Sunday, June 4 is Saga Dawa Düchen. We invite you to celebrate this special day with us, through the following activities:
Led by Dorje Gyaltsab Tulku Ösel Dorje, we will practice Green Tara as a Global Sangha together online. This event is open to all, and if this practice is new to you, you are welcome to join and receive the blessings of this practice. To register, click here »
Compose an Aspiration or Prayer with your Butter Lamp Offering, to be recited on Sunday (Saga Dawa Düchen) in the Tara Temple. Click here »
Practicing Generosity and Compassion
We can participate in the traditions of Saga Dawa Düchen by engaging in generosity and meritorious deeds. The most well-known tradition that we can practice is Sojin, or Life Release, which is to save lives of animals that are destined to be killed. By purchasing animals such as fish, worms or crickets and releasing them back into their natural habitat, we can reduce the loss of lives, and this act can be strengthened with prayers, positive aspirations and dedication of merit to bring about positive effects and even extension of the lives of both the benefactor and practitioner.
At the heart of this gesture is simply acknowledging the preciousness of life. This can also be exemplified through observing a vegetarian or vegan diet, which is a common tradition during the month of Saga Dawa. One can cultivate great merit through this aspiration, while one can create an even larger quantity of merit when adopting an extended vow of vegetarianism.
Explore Teachings of the Buddha and Green Tara
In this video, Lopön Polly Ryan teaches about the night of the Buddha’s enlightenment. To watch, click on the video.
This week, Lopön Polly is leading a virtual retreat about the Buddha’s life and teachings, called Sutrayana – Walking the Buddha’s Path to Genuine Happiness. Registration closes Wednesday, May 31. To register, click here »
In our other video teaching, Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton introduces the deity Green Tara, the focus of our special Saga Dawa Düchen practice this Sunday. To watch, click on the video.
Finally, in honoring the very human path that the Buddha walked, we encourage you to connect with others and find support in practice and life, through our Tara Mandala Network. To join the network, click on the button below, or click here »
~ With Blessings,
Tara Mandala