Tara Mandala is pleased to share the upcoming virtual retreat offered by Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, Being with Darkness and Death as a Source of Power over the October 14 – 16 weekend.
Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, born to parents who migrated from rural Louisiana at the start of WWII, has walked through many different doors spiritually and academically. She was ordained in the Suzuki Roshi lineage. She has a PhD and she’s also a poet and author.
Essentially, she’s a Seer in which she has woven herself into various frameworks to ultimately bring forth her visionary work. Zenju has embraced the active role of Seer, in watching for obstacles to awareness, despite the loss of such a role in the American culture.
Her transmissions come through her books The Shamanic Bones of Zen, The Deepest Peace, Sanctuary, The Way of Tenderness, and the Black Angel Cards: 36 Oracles and Messages, her first visionary experience. She also teaches from her experience of African and Native American indigenous ceremony and her own awakening on the intersection of spirituality and systemic oppression.
Being with Darkness and Death as a Source of Power
With Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel • October 14 – 16
A retreat to explore what appears as darkness in our lives and in the world. While we each attend to dark experiences in our own ways, there is a larger meta power at work in which death and darkness can be understood as transformative and ascendant. We are experiencing increasing death during the 21st century due to climate change, pandemics, and acts of hatred. In this retreat, we will sit in meditation, examine poetry, verse, and stories created around death. The hope is to open to dark experiences in life as a path in which to strengthen and awaken … Read more »
We hope you can join Osho Zenju for this virtual retreat, honoring darkness and death, and walking an inspiring path for humanity.
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala