Jan 01

Magyu: The Mother Lineage Program

The Magyu Path offers you a more flexible way to gradually go deeper into developing wisdom and compassion, tools to alleviate psychological and emotional challenges, and ultimately, guide you toward enlightenment.

As we enter the new year, Tara Mandala is launching the long-term practice program – Magyu: The Mother Lineage for the ninth year.

While the Tibetan tradition offers a more linear path to awakening, Magyu is unique in that you can learn how you want, when you want. At Tara Mandala, Magyu has a large appeal to people with busy lives, allowing for more breathing room in your development, making it different from other programs. You can enter at anytime, and since the path is individualized, you determine and decide the pace and initial order of practices on the path.

Many of the practices in Magyu are based around the teachings of Machig Labdrön, distilling and enhancing the essence of the sacred feminine, so you can cultivate and share this quality in your life.

We are now accepting applications for 2023. This is a perfect time to apply for Magyu, and also know that applications are open year-round so you can begin your journey at any time! Learn more about Magyu.

Below, browse our upcoming Magyu offerings.
Please note: Throughout 2023, we will announce a new set of retreats each quarter and as additional retreats become available.


The Pathways Are Endless

Magyu students walk their own path. How the path shapes each individuals transformation and healing is just as much a part of who they are as the lives they live. In this sense, “Magyu is life”.

One Magyu member, Clinton Spence, describes how the mandala meditations learned in the Wisdom Rising Course helped him assess a broader scope of emotional patterns in his life, while Feeding Your Demons helped him untangle specific and more focused aspects of these emotional entanglements. You can read more about his journey by clicking here »

In this video, Clinton shares his appreciation for the Magyu path. To watch, click on the video.

Magyu Program Overview


The 11th century teacher Machig Labdrön developed several different lineages during her lifetime, including one called the Magyu, the Mother Lineage. This lineage was unique to her as many of the practices came through her meditation experiences with direct transmissions from deities. Both men and women held these lineages. Machig’s second son, Tönyöm Samdrub, was the main lineage holder of her Mother Lineage. At Tara Mandala, Lama Tsultrim Allione has been inspired to follow this model by introducing Magyu: the Mother Lineage Program … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®: Certification Level Only

Begins January 7, 2023


This program is designed to provide a path to certification for psychotherapists, mental health professionals, coaches, counselors, and facilitators to use the practice in one-on-one facilitation to help others … Read more »

Chöd: From Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • February 3 – 12

Virtual Retreat

Chöd is one of Tibet’s great treasures, and a powerful practice that cultivates compassion, generosity, and fearlessness. This retreat is an opportunity to learn the Chöd practice and melodies as transmitted and taught by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. Karla will teach about the life and teachings of the great yogini, Machig Labdrön, who established the Chöd practice … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®: Level II

Begins March 3, 2023


Continue your journey along the Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) path. This online course is offered through two tracks: The Secular and Buddhist tracks. We offer the “Full Certification” FYD option, which includes FYD Levels I and II … Read more »

Green Tara Daylong Practice Intensive

With Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • March 11

Virtual Retreat

Join us for a day of deep practice to connect with the luminous compassion of Tara and our innate awakened heart. Receive teachings and engage in discussion to further hone your understanding and address challenges or questions that arise in relation to the practice … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®: Level I

Begins March 12, 2023


The Feeding Your Demons Online Program offers a potent, life-changing method, creating meaningful transformation in a world that is ripe for profound healing. Please join us for this powerful journey … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®: Kapala Training Level III

With Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • April 19 – 23

Virtual Retreat

Kapala III is a special opportunity for those who have completed Kapala Training Levels I and II, or FYD Online Level I and II (Buddhist Track). In this retreat we will go deeper into Machig Labdrön’s teachings and receive a profound new practice of hers. Participants will also expand their FYD journey with collective applications of the work, and working with the demon of ego-clinging … Read more »

Dentog Chigma Chod Daylong Practice Intensive

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • April 29

Virtual Retreat

The profound practice of Dentog Chigma, Liberation on One Seat, is “at the absolute core of Machig’s lineage” according to Lama Tsultrim. It combines the melodic and rhythmic aspects of traditional Chöd with the visualization and mantra recitation of Tibetan Buddhist deity practice. The practitioner engages with various forms of Machig Labdrön – including a wrathful emanation – through purification, receiving blessings, radiant compassion, and ultimately the awareness of our inseparability from the ground of being … Read more »

CNNR Chöd Daylong Practice Intensive

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • June 17

Virtual Retreat

Devoted Chöd practitioner and Teacher Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer will offer a special opportunity for seasoned and brand new Chöd practitioners to receive support in their practice, ask questions and receive advice with helpful tips and reinforcement … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® Workshop (teachings in English/Dutch)

With Paula van Lammeren • September 15 – 16

Onsite Retreat in The Netherlands

The workshop provides a thorough grounding in this remarkable method for transforming and befriending negative emotions, fears, illness and self defeating patterns; and introduces the radical notion that to heal and transform ourselves we must ‘feed’ not fight our demons. Includes some background information on the history of the method, FYD teachings, practice, and ally work … Read more »

Zhitro Daylong Practice Intensive

With Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT • September 30

Virtual Retreat

The practice of Zhitro offers a real way for a practitioner to help the deceased. This daylong intensive is an invitation for anyone who has been doing this practice on their own to come and receive further support and deepening of these teachings, including familiarity with the visualizations and experiences that arise when doing this practice … Read more »

Green Tara

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • October 19 – 22

Virtual Retreat

In this retreat you will receive the transmission (Tib. Lung) of this practice and learn how to perform deity visualization, mantra recitation, mudras, musical offering and feast offering. Taken together these form the essential activities for all tantric developmental stage practices. This retreat will be a great opportunity for new and old students alike … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®

With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • Open Dates

Join the Feeding Your Demons® Online Course and become certified to use this method in a professional setting with clients, or choose the à la carte options for personal growth and enrichment. Through compelling content and practice assignments, participants engage in a journey of transformation … Read more »

Chöd of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • Open Dates

Chöd, the practice of severance, is a profound ritual for dealing with fears, illnesses, and difficult emotions. Developed in the 11th century by the great Tibetan yogini Machig Labdrön, the practice of Chöd slowly transformed from an obscure practice lineage into a cornerstone of multiple schools of Tibetan Buddhism … Read more »

Green Tara

With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • Open Dates

A great introductory course for understanding ‘deity’ practice and more about Tara, one of the most beloved and important deities in Tibetan Buddhism. Learn the melodies, mudras, and instruments of this traditional sadhana practice – a concise terma (revealed teaching) from Ösel Dorje Sangdzö, the “Luminous Secret Vajra Treasury,” as taught by Adzom Drukpa … Read more »

Wisdom Rising

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • Open Dates

A powerful journey into discovering our emotional challenges and how to transform them into wisdom, through meditation, sound, color, light, and contemplative activities. This course teaches the development of the feminine in Buddhism, the mandala principle, an introduction to the fierce feminine of the dakinis, the five buddha families, and several transformative meditation practices … Read more »


With Lama Tsultrim Allione • Open Dates

The simple and accessible practice of Zhitro offers a real way for a practitioner to help the deceased. This practice also helps one to become familiarized with the visions and experiences one may experience during the 49 days following one’s own passing. In this course, Lama Tsultrim Allione teaches this particular Zhitro (Peaceful and Wrathful) practice – a terma (treasure) from Namkha Mingyur Dorje … Read more »

May your path offer you joyous and spacious awakening, benefitting all beings.

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photos: Header (J. Brownlee)
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