Dec 29

Accepting Applications for 2022 Magyu: The Mother Lineage

Magyu is a path of spiritual and emotional awakening, integrating ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices with modern teachings appropriate for our western disposition.

As we enter the new year, Tara Mandala is launching the long-term practice program – Magyu: The Mother Lineage for the eighth year. The Mother Lineage is oriented toward dedicated practitioners who wish to walk a spiritual path with guidance and support. It includes solitary retreats, group retreats, and dedicated daily practice, but without a specific daily practice requirement. It is a path of personal development and individuation, as well as a path of spiritual evolution leading to the stabilization of the recognition of the ground of being and its display. Learn more about Magyu. We are now accepting applications for 2022.

Below, browse our upcoming Magyu retreats, or by clicking here.

Please note: Throughout 2022, we will announce a new set of retreats each quarter and as additional retreats become available.

The PIR Program is a retreat-like experience that allows you to set down the concerns of worldly life and direct your energy towards intensive study and practice for a minimum of six months, with options to extend your stay to up to one year.

With the combination of daily community practice, access to Tara Mandala’s library and video teachings, and meals and accommodation, this is ideal for Vajrayana practitioners, and supports those in Tara Mandala long-term practice paths, such as Magyu, Gateway, and Ösel Nyingtig.

We are now accepting PIR applications for 2022. To learn more and apply, click here.

Magyu Program Overview


The 11th century teacher Machig Labdrön developed several different lineages during her lifetime, including one called the Magyu, the Mother Lineage. This lineage was unique to her as many of the practices came through her meditation experiences with direct transmissions from deities. Both men and women held these lineages. Machig’s second son, Tönyöm Samdrub, was the main lineage holder of her Mother Lineage. At Tara Mandala, Lama Tsultrim Allione has been inspired to follow this model by introducing Magyu: the Mother Lineage Program.

Magyu has an open structure–students work their way through the retreats and practice commitments according to their own timing. This allows flexibility for having a baby, an illness, or some other life-changing situation. This open, more flexible structure also … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®

With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • Open Dates

Self-Paced Online Course

Join the Feeding Your Demons® Online Course and become certified to use this method in a professional setting with clients, or choose the à la carte options for personal growth and enrichment. Through compelling content and practice assignments, participants engage in a journey of … Read more »

Chöd: From Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • January 15 – 23

Virtual Retreat

The practice of Chöd cuts through that which inhibits us from freedom. Join Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer for a special time engaging in personal and social transformation over the course of two consecutive weekends, with a special Dharma Talk in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday, January 17 … Read more »

Sutrayana – Walking the Buddha’s Path to Genuine Happiness

With Lopön Debra Quayle • January 16 – March 6

Online Course

An 8-week journey following the path the Buddha walked to enhanced wisdom, inner peace, and joy. Learn and practice meditation and establish a conscious practice of Buddhist ethics, awareness, and wisdom into your daily life … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® Level II

With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • February 12 – April 22

Online Course

Continue your journey along the Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) path. This online course is offered through two tracks: The Secular and Buddhist tracks. Magyu students are required to join the Buddhist Track. Additional note: We offer the “Full Certification” FYD option, which includes FYD Levels I and II … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® Level I

With Lama Tsultrim Allione, Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • March 5 – May 1

Online Course

Begin your journey with Feeding Your Demons® (FYD). This online course is offered through two tracks: The Secular and Buddhist tracks. Magyu students are required to join the Buddhist Track. Additional note: We offer the “Full Certification” FYD option, which includes FYD Levels I and II … Read more »

Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Sacred Masculine

With Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen and Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • March 13 – 17

Virtual Retreat

Buddhism sees the enlightened masculine as the capacity to act skillfully and with wise compassion. These are capacities that must be nurtured by all of us, regardless of our gender identity. This retreat offers us a practical method to awaken the enlightened masculine by empowering us to bring into balance the mutually supportive inner feminine-masculine unity. It is this inner union that allows us to find strength and clarity and create change in our world … Read more »

Green Tara Daylong Practice Intensive

With Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • March 19

Virtual Retreat

Join us for a day of deep practice to connect with the luminous compassion of Tara and our innate awakened heart … Read more »

Mahayana – Opening the Heart of Compassion

With Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • April 29 – June 17

Online Course

Embark on a powerful inner journey to learn and embody the way of the Bodhisattva. A Bodhisattva is one who awakens, not only for their own benefit, but also for the benefit of others. The Mahāyāna (Great Vehicle) teachings emphasize the cultivation of compassion and wisdom as a way to … Read more »

CNNR Chöd Daylong Intensive

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • April 30

Virtual Retreat

Devoted Chöd practitioner and Teacher Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer will offer a special opportunity for seasoned and brand new Chöd practitioners to receive support in their practice, ask questions and receive advice with helpful tips and reinforcement … Read more »

Dentog Chigma Chöd: The Method for Accomplishment on One Seat

With Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • June 4 – 8

Virtual Retreat

The profound practice of Dentog Chigma, “liberation on one seat,” combines the melodic and rhythmic aspects of traditional Chöd with the visualization and mantra recitation of Tibetan Buddhist deity practice. The practitioner engages with various forms of Machig Labdrön – including a wrathful emanation – through purification, receiving blessings, radiant … Read more »

Dakini Mandala Workshop

With Rianne van Rijsewijk • June 18 – 19

In Person (Netherlands)

This workshop is based on Lama Tsultrim Allione´s book: Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Mandala of the Empowered Feminine. A dynamic spiritual model based on 1000-year-old tradition from Tibet meets the gale force winds of the current world situation. She masterfully shows us the secret to harnessing the energy of … Read more »

Green Tara Daylong Practice Intensive

With Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • October 29

Virtual Retreat

Join us for a day of deep practice to connect with the luminous compassion of Tara and our innate awakened heart … Read more »

CNNR Chöd Daylong Intensive

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • December 3

Virtual Retreat

Devoted Chöd practitioner and Teacher Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer will offer a special opportunity for seasoned and brand new Chöd practitioners to receive support in their practice, ask questions and receive advice with helpful tips and reinforcement … Read more »

May your path offer you joyous and spacious awakening, benefitting all beings.

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photo Credits: Header (J. Brownlee)
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