Apr 14

Virtual Offerings with Lama Tsultrim Allione & Machig’s Birthday

“The realization of the ultimate nature of the mind cannot be veiled by an eternity of samsara.” ~ Machig Labdrön

Over the coming weeks, we invite you to join us in connecting with Lama Tsultrim Allione, through a variety of virtual retreats, transmissions, and guided meditations. We are also blessed to share with you the special occasion of Machig Labdrön’s birthday on April 27, an opportunity to connect with Machig through offering flowers and prayer requests.
Browse all of these events below.

In this video, Lama Tsultrim leads us into the Nature Of Mind, via an excerpt from “Machig’s Last Instructions.”

Machig’s Last Instructions

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • April 23 – 25

Although Machig Labdrön is most well-known for her teachings on Chöd, the core of her teachings is the Nature of Mind. In this retreat, Lama Tsultrim will lead practitioners through the final teachings that Machig offered to her students, known as “Machig’s Last Instructions.” These pith instructions cover the most essential and profound aspects of the great yogini’s lineage … Read more »


Offering Flowers and Accompanying Prayer Requests • April 27

“I sing your praises, Labdrön, Dakini emanation of the Great Mother, endowed with fourfold transcendent knowledge.” ~ Padampa Sangye

The birthday of Machig Labdrön is Tuesday, April 27. For this special occasion, we will offer fresh and colorful flowers to the Machig and 21 Taras statues in the Tara Mandala temple. We invite you to share in this meritorious offering rich with abundant qualities of design, color, fragrance, and soft touch.

Make a “21 Dollars for 21 Taras” flower sponsorship accompanied by a prayer request dedicated to a loved one, special event, or anything that resonates strongly in your heart. We shall be reading all prayer requests during our community Wednesday tsog (ritual feast gathering) the following evening.

To make a flower offering and prayer request, click here »

Thank you. We look forward to honoring your prayers and offerings on this special day.

To read a brief biography of Machig Labdrön, click here »

Transmission of the Yab Yum Mandala

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • May 8

Experience transformation through the power of the mandala—a universal map for inner and outer balance, wholeness, and practical awakening. During this virtual teaching, Lama Tsultrim Allione will give the transmission of the Yab Yum Mandala, a practice she developed to bring emotional transformation into alignment with the spiritual path … Read more »

‘Live’ Webcast – Oral Transmission (Tib. Lung) for Green Tara, CNNR Chöd, and Riwo Sangchö

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • May 15

A Lung is an oral transmission of a practice, not a teaching. In the Tibetan tradition it is understood that during the Lung, the student receives a direct transmission of the practice which connects them to the blessing stream of the lineage: from the teacher giving the Lung, to her teacher, and his teacher, all the way back to the original source of the practice … Read more »

Green Tara ‘Live’ Online Program

With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • June 12 to July 31

Green Tara is one of the most loved Tibetan deities as she represents the ultimate form of ‘swift-acting’ compassion. In this eight week ‘live’ online program, enjoy over nine hours of video teachings and guided meditations with Lama Tsultrim, and four live webcasts with Lopön Charlotte, offering additional teachings and answering questions … Read more »

May all beings benefit from the blessings of auspicious connection, and we look forward to celebrating Machig’s birthday with you.

Header Photo: J. Brownlee
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