Feb 22

Losar 2022: Butter Lamps

“However much darkness there is, we must be able to serve as small lamps in that darkness.”

~HH the 17th Karmapa, Ogyen Trinley Dorje

On Thursday, March 3rd, the Tibetan New Year (Losar) is celebrated, welcoming the auspicious Year of the Water Tiger. In this moment, offering butter lamps honors the Buddhist tradition of purifying the past and lighting our way forward, ushering forth powerful and positive change.

On Losar at Tara Mandala Retreat Center, Colorado, our residents will emerge from their end-of-the-year solo retreats and come together in the Tara Temple for our New Year’s Tsog (feast offering ceremony). We offer butter lamps, and read aloud the prayers and dedications from sponsors around the world as we sit in meditation.

We invite you to join in our celebrations by sponsoring Butter Lamps and offering prayers for someone or something dear to your heart.

the Tune of Brahma

Shakyamuni Buddha lists the 10 benefits of offering lights

One becomes like the light of the world
One achieves clairvoyance of the pure eye as a human
One achieves the Deva’s eye
One receives the wisdom to discriminate virtue from non-virtue
One is able to eliminate the concept of inherent existence
One receives the illumination of wisdom
One is reborn as a human or deva
One receives great enjoyment wealth
One quickly becomes liberated
One quickly attains enlightenment

Chötrul Düchen – The Fifteen Days of Miracles

The fifteen days following Losar commemorates the successive days that the Buddha displayed a different miracle, increasing faith and devotion in disciples. From March 3rd to the 18th (Chötrul Düchen), positive or negative actions are multiplied by 100,000. It is a very powerful time to practice and study. Sincere acts of generosity are also hugely beneficial. With your Butter Lamp sponsorship you make a connection with this auspicious occasion, and your presence will be felt at Tara Mandala’s Losar celebrations. Click here to make an offering. »

We thank you for offering butter lamps for the Tibetan New Year. We look forward to honoring your prayers and dedications.

~With Blessings,
The Tara Mandala Family

Photos: Butter lamps in temple (Chögé Bridget Bailey), stupa at Tara Mandala (Bodhi Stroupe)
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