“The mind becomes more and more purified, and the natural illumination can dawn within us …”
~ Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton
How might we befriend our practice? A key point Dorje Lopön Chandra emphasizes in her teachings is that we are not “doing,” but rather “undoing.” In this, we find ease, joy, and relaxation.
Whether we are beginners or long-time practitioners, there are moments when integrating Dharma study and practice into our lives is challenging. Fortunately, we have the fundamental teachings of the Buddha, to center ourselves. Dorje Lopön Chandra has described how this centering determines whether we have a comfortable or uncomfortable journey on our path.
Below, we share Dorje Lopön Chandra’s upcoming offerings, and some of her teachings and supports for your journey.
Fundamental Teachings of the Buddha
After the Buddha’s enlightenment, he came to understand the nature of suffering, and how to cultivate a life based on the middle way, by living between the extremes of deprivation and over-indulgence.
In this 8 min video, Dorje Lopön Chandra shares one of the first teachings the Buddha taught, on the Eightfold Noble Path. To watch, click on the video below.
The Twenty-One Taras
Dorje Lopön Chandra’s teachings on the Twenty-One Taras are an important and invaluable contribution to discovering Tara in our lives.
Dorje Lopön Chandra has offered programs over the years, going deep into each of the Taras. She is working on a collection of mantra music pieces in devotion to them. And now, she also has a book, being released December 2023! In this book, Dorje Lopön Chandra shares how important women and movements in modern history have been expressions or embodiments of Tara’s enlightened activities.
To pre-order Dorje Lopön Chandra’s book “Embodying Tara,” visit this link in our online Dakini Store. Click here »
This year on Winter Solstice (December 21), Dorje Lopön Chandra invites you online to celebrate the Return of the Light with a deep meditation attuning to the turning of the season, letting go of the old year and welcoming the new cycle. All are welcome! This will also be a celebration of the publication of Dorje Lopön Chandra’s new book. She will share excerpts and a guided meditation devoted to one of the 21 Taras. To learn more and to register, click here »
Also being offered:
One of the most popular practices in Tibetan Buddhism is the Twenty-one Praises to Tara. The simplicity of this practice makes it suitable for anyone, especially those limited by time constraints. This means that the profound realizations, powerful activities and devotional aspects of Tara are accessible to everyone. On September 11-15, on the beautiful land in Colorado, Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche will give the empowerment and teachings of this practice. To learn more and to register, click here »
One of the most popular practices in Tibetan Buddhism is the Twenty-one Praises to Tara. The simplicity of this practice makes it suitable for anyone, especially those limited by time constraints. This means that the profound realizations, powerful activities and devotional aspects of Tara are accessible to everyone. On September 11-15, on the beautiful land in Colorado, Adzom Gyalse Rinpoche will give the empowerment and teachings of this practice. To learn more and to register, click here »
May your practice be filled with enthusiastic effort, joy, comfort and ease, and benefit all beings!
~ With Blessings,
Tara Mandala
Photos: Statue of Tara (Alan Kozlowski)