Be the Light of Refuge
Dear friend,
As the new year approaches, we often enter a time of reflection, looking towards the warm radiance of the three jewels, the precious Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, as a cherished and reliable source of refuge.
We are so fortunate to live during a time when authentic Dharma teachings are accessible to practitioners around the world and it is truly an honor as staff at Tara Mandala to support your practice and study through our in-person and online programming.
If your charitable budget allows, please consider sharing the warm light of refuge and supporting Tara Mandala this season.
The Gift of Tara Mandala – In this video, Tara Mandala student Delia Ahouandjinou shares in appreciation for the clarity and relevancy of the teachings in Tara Mandala’s online courses.
May all beings without one exception benefit from our compassionate activities and may the radiance of innate wisdom shine brightly, clearly illuminating a path to the recognition of our true nature.

Yours in the Dharma,
Khandro Noble
Registrar & Kalyanamitra
Tara Mandala
Photos: Header (Josh Brownlee), community (Laurie Pearce Bauer)