Oct 03

Happy Awake Birthday Lama Tsultrim!

Happy Awake Birthday Lama Tsultrim!

We celebrate this precious day with joy and wonder, honoring 75 years of a life lived with passion, commitment, inspiration, heartbreak, wisdom and love. Lama Tsultrim, we are infinitely grateful for every step you have walked, and continue to walk, on your path, bringing us the rich blessings of your life into our hearts.

Tara Mandala Long Life Prayer for Lama Tsultrim Allione

In Tibetan:
Machig Labkyi Drönma’i yeshe kü,
Je zung ka ter chöd yül dzö dzin ma,
Jetsün Lama Tsültrim Chödrön chog
Ku tse tagten dze trin gye gyur chig

English Translation:
Nurtured by the wisdom body of Machig Labdrön,
Holder of the treasury of Chöd from the canon and treasures,
Supremely Noble Lama Tsültrim Chödrön
(Dharma Torch of Discipline),
May your life remain firm and your awakened activities spread and flourish!

We invite you to rejoice in Lama’s long life and consider reciting her Long Life Prayer on her birthday 3 to 7 times (or more if you wish!)

Share In the Lama Love! ❤️

Today we invite you to:

Lama’s Birthday Wish: Lama Tsultrim Allione Legacy Circle

For her 75th birthday, Lama Tsultrim wishes to support the future stability of Tara Mandala by expanding the Lama Tsultrim Allione Legacy Circle to 75 members. During the event we will offer Lama a birthday card with the names of everyone who pledges. This is a beautiful way to support the continuation of Tara Mandala’s mission, show Lama how much we care about her life’s work and nurture our real-life mandala through generosity.

What is the Lama Tsultrim Allione Legacy Circle?

The Legacy Circle is an opportunity for planned giving that makes your life stream link to the future of Tara Mandala, creating a powerful meritorious connection. As you look to the future, knowing that ‘impermanence happens’, this opportunity allows you to include Tara Mandala in your will and estate planning. A planned gift can be your way of practicing generosity beyond this lifetime and ensuring Tara Mandala’s presence in the lives of future generations. You can make a pledge today by clicking here.

Join Us Online on November 5

Celebrating a Life of Practice: Lama Tsultrim’s 75th Birthday

During this celebration, we will journey through Lama Tsultrim’s remarkable life, sharing highlights and accomplishments and the way they have inspired our sangha spread across the world.

Personal stories and memories will be shared by family, peers and long-time friends of Lama Tsultrim as well as new voices from sangha members far and wide.


We welcome you all to honor this most precious occasion and reflect on how we can carry on her living legacy. May we all share in the abundant gift of Lama’s life!

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

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