Jul 20

Green Tara – Retreat in Colorado

“To feel yourself as Tara is a powerful enhancement of confidence in our awakened qualities.” ~ Lama Tsultrim Allione

One of the most powerful, yet misunderstood, practices of Tibetan Buddhism is ‘Deity Yoga’. It is not about worshipping a deity but rather seeing the ‘deity’ as having qualities that we want to embrace more fully. By connecting with and transforming into a ‘deity’ is to integrate these inherent and potent qualities into ourselves.

Green Tara is one of the most loved Tibetan deities as she represents the ultimate form of ‘swift-acting’ compassion and is a most relevant female Buddha for our troubled world. She can assist us in transforming difficult circumstances in our lives by applying enlightened and compassionate action.

With the presence of Green Tara, we are grounded in the world and in receptivity with the divine. We feel this as a joyful resonance. The Green Tara – Retreat in Colorado with Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam on July 28 – August 2 helps us grow into Green Tara’s healing and comforting presence.

In this video, Lama Tsultrim explains the importance of Deity Yoga and Green Tara. To watch, click on the video.
Green Tara has one leg in meditation and the other leg extended into the world, depicting her simultaneous divine and worldly presence. She relates with our world through swiftly removing fears, and is our connection with nature. Lama Tsultrim Allione writes in her Green Tara Commentary:
“Green Tara is from the forest. There are two forests that she is particularly associated with. One is the Khadira Forest, and one is Potala. The great palace of the Dalai Lama in Lhasa is named after Potala, which is also a pure land of Avalokitesvara (of whom the Dalai Lama is an incarnation). So she is Tara of the trees, of the wind and of green energy. She is a representation of nature; the wisdom of nature and the compassion of nature in the forest. In the poetry of Tara’s praises, the Khadira forest is described as very lush and beautiful, with wild animals playing and many medicinal herbs growing.”

Lama Tsultrim explains the origin of this Green Tara practice:

“This particular Green Tara practice comes from Adzom Drukpa Pawo Dorje and to us through Adzom Rinpoche. Adzom is also the name of a famous monastery in eastern Tibet that emerged with the coming of Adzom Drukpa, a great Dzogchen master. He was also a tertön, a treasure revealer. He revealed some ancient teachings that had been hidden, and his main cycle of revealed teachings is called the Luminous Secret Vajra Treasury or the Ösel Dorje Sang Dzö in Tibetan. This Tara practice comes from that. It is an Anuyoga teaching, which means it is right before Dzogchen or Ati, according to the levels of the nine yanas.”

“Go With Your Feeling.” ~ Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam

In this video, Dorje Lopön Charlotte shares how our relationship with Green Tara reveals our own enlightened compassionate being. To watch, click on the video.

Sustaining our health and well-being can be challenging during these times. Green Tara’s sublime nature is an immunity for our fears and imbalances.

The Green Tara retreat will include transmission and detailed instructions on the Green Tara practice, as well as time for contemplation and discussion to integrate the teachings into our lives. As we start to feel the presence of Green Tara within, we discover an unlimited resource to radiate love and compassion outward.


Green Tara Practice Supports

Whether you are joining us onsite or continue your practice at home, we are happy to share with you selected items in our Online Dakini Store, to deepen your connection with Green Tara. This collection includes Green Tara practice texts, Tara statues, bell and dorje sets, malas, books, audio teachings, and so much more. To browse these items, click here »

The Dakini Store is currently offering 20% off store-wide, for all orders over $25, from July 13 – 27. No discount code is needed.

To shop the sale, click here »


To Inspire Your Path

We are happy to offer new Tara Mandala Digital Downloads, for a variety of restricted practices (transmission of these practices is necessary prior to purchasing). Here you can find three Green Tara (with Lama Tsultrim Allione) downloads available:

• Green Tara Practice (Audio MP3) – Click to view
• Green Tara Practice with Tsog (Audio MP3) – Click to view
• Green Tara Practice with Tsog (Video) – Click to view

To browse all of our Digital Downloads, click here »

We look forward to welcoming you on the land next week, to invite Green Tara’s divine presence into our lives.

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photos: Tara statue (Bodhi Stroupe)
gold geometric divider