Dec 28

Green Tara – Upcoming Online Offerings

“I like to think of practice like Christmas lights … plugging in and lighting up the whole universe.”

~ Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam, from the Green Tara Online Program

Tara Mandala offers a number of ways to illuminate your Green Tara practice. We begin by announcing the January 9-10 weekend Green Tara Practice Intensive Virtual Retreat with Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam. This will be a wonderful opportunity to reinvigorate your practice and reconnect with Green Tara practitioners all over the world. Open to all who have received transmission and teachings of this Green Tara practice. Read more »

Are you looking to begin your journey with Green Tara?

Green Tara is one of the most loved Tibetan deities as she represents the ultimate form of ‘swift-acting’ compassion. She is available to us at any time. When we connect with Green Tara, as Lopön Charlotte says in the video below, our compassion becomes like Christmas lights. We are plugged in and able to light up the whole universe.

We offer two ways to learn the practice and teachings of Green Tara, via our ‘Self-Paced’ and ‘Live’ Online Programs. Both of these online programs are based on the Green Tara sadhana from Ösel Dorje Sangdzö, the “Luminous Secret Vajra Treasury,” as taught by Adzom Drukpa.


With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam

Enjoy over nine hours of video teachings and guided meditations with Lama Tsultrim and Dorje Lopön Charlotte. For both beginning and seasoned practitioners, Green Tara is one of the most profound yet simple practices of Tibetan Buddhism. Read more »

Please note: This practice requires a “Lung” (oral transmission) in order to receive the full benefit and blessings of the lineage. Lama Tsultrim is offering a live online lung on January 17. Read more about this event below.

‘Live’ Webcast – Oral Transmission

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • January 17

During this free LIVE webcast, Lama Tsultrim offers the Oral Transmission (Lung) for three of the core practices in the Tara Mandala community:

  • The practice of Green Tara from the Ösel Dorje Sangdzö
  • The Riwo Sangchö practice from the Rigdzin Sogdrub
  • The Chöd practice of Chögyal Namkha’i Norbu Rinpoche

We look forward to welcoming you. Read more »


With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • June 12 – July 31

Dorje Lopön Charlotte guides you through this ‘Live’ online course, progressing through the video teachings and meditations over eight weeks, with a cohort of other practitioners. There are four live webcasts, where Lopön Charlotte offers the transmission (lung) of the practice, provides additional teachings, and answers questions. Read more »

May Green Tara light up our hearts and homes together, bringing joy and compassion for all beings everywhere.

~With Blessings,

Tara Mandala

Photos: Header (Bodhi Stroupe)

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