“Whether it’s with our own mothers, the Mother Earth, or anyone or anything else, we are always in an interdependent relationship with everything.”
~ Lama Tsultrim Allione, Wisdom Rising
Browse these dharma talks below.
Niguma and Sukhasiddhi: Dakinis of Timeless Awareness
With Lama Sarah Harding • May 7
Two remarkable women lived about a thousand years ago in Kashmir, then the hotbed of tantric activity. When the Tibetan yogi adept Khyungpo Naljor traveled to India in search of masters who had actually received dharma teachings directly from the Buddha Vajradhara, he was guided to meet each of these yoginis on separate occasions … Read more »
Sarah Harding completed a three-year retreat in 1979 under her teacher, Khyabjé Kalu Rinpoché. She was associate professor of religious studies at Naropa University for twenty-five years, now retired, and a translation fellow of the Tsadra Foundation since 2000. Her published translations include Creation and Completion; Machik’s Complete Explanation; Niguma: Lady of Illusion; The Life and Revelations of Pema Lingpa; The Treasury of Knowledge: Esoteric Instructions; Four Tibetan Lineages; and … Read more »
Natural Dharma
With Willa Blythe Baker • May 8
Dharma refers to much more than practice. Dharma is a multivalent word in Sanskrit meaning phenomena, path, truth, duty and way. Dharma can also mean a state of being aligned with the natural way of things, a way that cannot be planned or created. How can we practice without planning or trying? How do we access our inner wildness? What does it mean to find the way? This is what we will explore together … Read more »
Willa Blythe Baker has studied and practiced in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for the last thirty years in the non-sectarian Kagyu, Nyingma and Shangpa lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. She completed two three-year retreats in the nineties, and teaches Tibetan Buddhist practice, meditation and yoga in the Northeast. Her teaching interests at the moment include the wisdom of the body, natural awareness practices and compassion. She is the founder of Natural Dharma Fellowship in Boston, and its retreat center Wonderwell … Read more »
We look forward to your attendance for these precious teachings, and may all beings benefit!
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala