Tara Mandala is pleased to share an upcoming Virtual Dharma Talk offered by Christina Monson. The talk will be “A Dakini At Play: Sera Khandro’s Pith Instructions”, and takes place on Saturday, April 2.
A Dakini At Play: Sera Khandro’s Pith Instructions
With Christina Monson • April 2
This Virtual Dharma Talk is a fantastic precursor to the retreat with Ven. Sogan Rinpoche. Christina Monson, who is translating for Ven. Sogan Rinpoche in his retreat, will be offering this Dharma Talk, and she will also be focusing on Sera Khandro.
Sera Khandro Dewai Dorje (1892-1940), the great Tibetan treasure-revealer and dakini, bequeathed the world an impressive collection of spiritual teachings and riveting stories of life at the turn of that last century in eastern Tibet. Her works include two major cycles of treasure revelations, biographies, profound Dzogchen instructions, and a compilation of personal advice … Read more »
We look forward to sharing this event with you, one of a host of 2022 Virtual Dharma Talks, featuring female teachers and topics that were specially chosen by Lama Tsultrim Allione.
~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala