Feb 27

Teacher Spotlight: Amelia Hall, PhD

Tara Mandala is pleased to share an upcoming Virtual Dharma Talk offered by Dr. Amelia Hall. The talk will be “The Black Dākinī’s Skillful Laughter: Healing Chöd and Intersectional Selves”, and takes place on Sunday, March 6.

Dr. Amelia Hall is an Assistant Professor of Buddhism and Department Chair in the Wisdom Traditions Department at Naropa University. She gained her PhD. in Tibetan and Himalayan Studies from the University of Oxford in 2012. She has taught and developed courses on Buddhism at Central Michigan University and Antioch University Buddhist Studies Abroad Program. She has practiced Dharma for 20 years and is currently working on a book on the Four Noble Truths, forthcoming from Shambhala Publications.

The Black Dākinī’s Skillful Laughter: Healing Chöd and Intersectional Selves

This talk discusses chöd (cutting through ego) as a skillful way of reaching multiple, intersectional audiences. The reception of and how to work with this practice depends on one’s social location and experience. When one considers identities and ‘self-grasping,’ how does that show up in different bodies? The way we work with solidifying and over-identification with self differs in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, and class. This talk will discuss this unique practice that aims to get to the roots of those myriad ways skillfully and wholly.

The specific chöd practice in this talk will be from 20th century Nyingma treasure revealer Kunzang Dechen Lingpa. He revealed this practice in the 1950s, likely during his period of living in the sacred Tibetan hidden land of Pemako. This chöd, titled The ḍākinī’s laugh, a skillful method of severing self-grasping, is also presented as Healing Chöd, but does not radically change the essential nature of the practice … Read more »

We look forward to sharing this event with you, one of a host of 2022 Virtual Dharma Talks, featuring female teachers and topics that were specially chosen by Lama Tsultrim Allione.

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photos: Header (J. Brownlee)

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