Nov 16

2023 Feature Offerings

While we continue to cherish the time we have in 2022, we wanted to offer you a “sneak peak” into what is on offer next year. We are excited to share some amazing teachers and inspiring teachings. Many of you have already enjoyed the unique and powerful gifts of learning from these teachers, and we invite you to reconnect with them, deepening your being! Browse these 2023 “feature offerings” below.

Resting in the Eye of the Storm: Practices for Hope, Healing & Resilience

With Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT • January 27 – 29


What is suffering? What is resilience, and how can we cultivate it? How can discoveries in modern neuroscience and polyvagal theory inform our dharma practice?

In this retreat we will explore these questions and more, taking a deep dive into trauma and suffering, combining wisdom from Buddhism and modern psychology and neuroscience. Through teachings, discussion, and meditation we will introduce students to numerous methods to skillfully bring suffering in all its forms onto the path of awakening … Read more »

About Lopön Polly Ryan

Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT, is a Tara Mandala Senior Teacher and has been a devoted student of Lama Tsultrim Allione since 1992. She has also studied with Lama Alan Wallace for over three decades. Under the tutelage of Lama Alan Wallace, she has studied Shamatha, The Four Applications of Mindfulness, The Seven Point Mind Training, The Four Immeasurables, Dzogchen, and other practices. She has received teachings from many other Tibetan teachers including Kalachakra and Dzogchen teachings from H.H. the Dalai Lama in the late 1980’s … Read more »

Chöd: From Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • February 3 – 12

Online – Zoom

Chöd is a unique blend of the Tibetan Shamanic traditions and the Buddhist tradition of compassion and emptiness. This centuries-old practice is sung, and is accompanied by the use of a traditional Chöd drum and bell.

Healing comes when fear, fixation, and self-clinging are cut through, when we nurture and don’t fight what assails us. This gives rise to the awareness of the empty nature of afflictive emotions. This retreat will take place over the course of two consecutive weekends in February … Read more »

About Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer

Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S., Tara Mandala Senior Teacher, has been practicing Chöd for over three decades and has assisted Lama Tsultrim on many Chöd retreats. She has co-taught Chöd since 2013 with Lama Tsultrim and Löpon Chandra. She has taught and led Chöd Practices for the NYC Tara Mandala Sangha which she leads. In October 2012, she received the Chod Empowerment from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. She leads a monthly BBAIPOC meditation practice for Tara Mandala … Read more »

Returning to Our Roots – Voices of the Sacred Feminine in Early Buddhism

With Wendy Garling • March 25 – 26


Drawing from early Mahayana and Pali texts from multiple Buddhist traditions, this retreat will offer practitioners from all Buddhist schools the opportunity to learn about our shared foremothers – the first daughters, mothers, sisters, and wives on their spiritual journey as the Buddha introduced his teachings twenty-five hundred years ago.

Weaving between stories from the ancient texts, Wendy Garling will guide us through themes of women’s agency, accomplishment, leadership, and soteriological purpose as the Buddha founded his ministry, providing a direct view into a more complete and gender-balanced picture of what actually took place … Read more »

About Wendy Garling

Wendy has a BA from Wellesley College and an MA specializing in Sanskrit language and literature from the University of California, Berkeley. She is a vajrayana practitioner and dharma teacher in the Lam Rim tradition; her root teacher was Venerable Geshe Acharya Thubten Loden. In 1976, she took refuge with His Holiness the 16th Karmapa and in 1979, after a first meeting in Dharamsala, began lifelong teachings with His Holiness the Dalai Lama … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®: Kapala Training Level III

With Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • April 19 – 23

Online – Zoom

Kapala III is a special opportunity for those who have completed Kapala Training Levels I and II, or FYD Online Level I and II (Buddhist Track). In this retreat we will go deeper into Machig Labdrön’s teachings and receive a profound new practice of hers. Participants will also expand their FYD journey with collective applications of the work, and working with the demon of ego-clinging … Read more »

About Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen

Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen is a teacher and a long-time student of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been teaching various practices and retreats in Lama Tsultrim’s lineage in the US and abroad since 2006, offering a blend of incisive insight and genuine compassion. He co-leads the Boulder Tara Mandala Sangha with Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam, and serves as the President of the Tara Mandala Board … Read more »

Opening to Darkness: 8 Gateways for Being With the Absence of Light in Unsettling Times

With Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel • May 20 – July 22


We are born from the darkness. We return to the darkness. And throughout all of our lives, the darkness is ever present. Yet do we really understand the dark?

With Opening to Darkness, Zenju Earthlyn Manuel explores darkness as a cosmic landscape for transformation within unsettling times, rooting her teachings in indigenous earth-based wisdom, her Buddhist practice, and her lived experience. We’re asked to confront the questions: What has been lost in our pursuit of the light? And what has or has not been born into ourselves and our world because we fear, oppress, and misunderstand the dark? … Read more »

About Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel

Osho Zenju Earthlyn Manuel, born to parents who migrated from rural Louisiana at the start of WWII, has walked through many different doors spiritually and academically. She was ordained in the Suzuki Roshi lineage. She has a PhD and she’s also a poet and author. Essentially, she’s a Seer in which she has woven herself into various frameworks to ultimately bring forth her visionary work … Read more »

The Wakeful Body: Yoga and Meditation as an Integrated Path

With Lama Willa Blythe Baker • September 6 – October 11

Online – Zoom

Many of us have a complicated relationship to the body. In its vulnerability to aging and illness, we tend to think of our body in ordinary or even pejorative terms.

Yet many meditation masters of the past have taught that the body is a temple, a mandala, a profound source of wisdom. How do we reconcile these two perspectives? In this six-week course, participants will explore the body as a domain of practice and wisdom, diving deep into the physical, energetic and cognizant dimensions of experience … Read more »

Don’t miss Lama Willa’s daylong this December 10, to feel the always available and ever-wise wakefulness of the body, and to enjoy a taste of what can be discovered in Lama Willa’s online course next yearLearn more »

About Lama Willa Blythe Baker

Lama Willa Blythe Baker has studied and practiced in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition for the last thirty years in the non-sectarian Kagyu, Nyingma and Shangpa lineages of Tibetan Buddhism. She completed two three-year retreats in the nineties, and teaches Tibetan Buddhist practice, meditation and yoga in the Northeast. Her teaching interests at the moment include the wisdom of the body, natural awareness practices and compassion … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® – New Offerings

Also coming in early 2023 are new Feeding Your Demons (FYD) offerings, including the Certification Level beginning January 7. Browse all these options below.

Certification Level Only

Begins January 7, 2023


This program is designed to provide a path to certification for psychotherapists, mental health professionals, coaches, counselors, and facilitators to use the practice in one-on-one facilitation to help others … Read more »

Level I

Begins March 12, 2023


The Feeding Your Demons Online Program offers a potent, life-changing method, creating meaningful transformation in a world that is ripe for profound healing. Please join us for this powerful journey … Read more »

Level II

Begins March 3, 2023


Continue your journey along the Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) path. This online course is offered through two tracks: The Secular and Buddhist tracks. We offer the “Full Certification” FYD option, which includes FYD Levels I and II … Read more »

We look forward to you joining us for these precious offerings.

~With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Header Photo: J. Brownlee
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