
Lopön Barbara Staemmler

Lopön Barbara Staemmler has studied medicine and specialized in psychotherapy. For more than thirty years she has been working as gestalt therapist and supervisor in private practice; she is also conducting gestalt therapy training programs. She has had additional trainings in psychoanalytic therapy, in musical therapy, and in body work. She started meditation 1993 and since 2004 she is a student of Lama Tsultrim. She has been several times in Tara Mandala, has traveled with Lama Tsultrim to Tibet and Scotland, assisted her in several retreats and offers trainings and retreats in Germany.


Authorized to teach:
Feeding Your Demons®
Five Buddha Mandala Practice
Five Dakini Mandala Practice
Five Yab/Yum Mandala Practice
Kapala Training Level I
Kapala Training Level II
Prajña Paramita Meditation
Study of Jigme Lingpa’s Treasury of Precious Qualities
Three Yanas: Sutrayana Retreat
Three Yanas: Vajrayana Retreat


Email: kontakt@gestalttherapie-staemmler.de
Website: www.gestalttherapie-staemmler.de
Location: Wuerzburg, Germany

Events with Lopön Barbara Staemmler

Feeding Your Demons - practice day (Retreat in Germany)
October 6, 2024

Practice day in the Buddha House in Munich the day after Saturday with Lama Tsültrim Allione On this day in the Buddha House in Munich we will deepen the experiences from the day before and any outstanding questions can be discussed. We can resolve difficulties with the method and we…