
Florian Fath

Florian Fath is an occupational therapist and systemic therapist in private practice. He works as a psychotherapist with individuals, couples and families and accompanies as a supervisor institutions
and clinics that care for mentally ill people. He specializes in the treatment of early and developmental trauma and has completed additional training in systemic constellation work.
He has been interested in spirituality and meditation since his youth. He trained as a Taiji and Qi Gong teacher and practiced Zen in the lineage of Willigis Jäger Ko’-un Roshi. He has studied
transpersonal self-awareness and consciousness expansion techniques in depth for many years.
In 2015, he learned about Feeding Your Demons® as part of his professional work. Since 2016 he has been a student of Lama Tsültrim Allione. He has assisted several retreats in German-speaking
countries and works voluntarily as chairman of the German association Tara Mandala Deutschland e.V.

Authorized to teach:
FYD® weekend retreats in groups

Contact: florian@selbst-erleben.de
Website: www.selbst-erleben.de
Location: Wuerzburg, Germany