Meg McCraken, E-RYT 500. Meg is passionate about sharing the full, rich teachings of yoga and meditation in a truly experiential way that helps us to positively transform and enrich our lives. Having worked as a yoga therapist for over a decade, she is continually inspired by the vitality of the human spirit and the power of yoga to help us tap into a source of deep inner-peace and well-being.
She has been sharing the yoga life with all kinds of seekers for over 18 years and is the Co-Founder of the Alaya Yoga School; a Wanderlust Presenter and Teacher Trainer; featured teacher on Gaia; and the original founder of Simple Yoga and Wellness Studio. She is a passionate community builder and gives talks, leads teacher trainings, satsangs, workshops and retreats all over the world.
For more information visit: www.MegMcCraken.com