Temple Doors

Significance of the Directions and Art of the Temple Doors


Buddha Family, White, Ether, and symbol is “Wheel”

Dakinis represent the feminine wisdom in the Tibetan cosmology.

White Dakini carved above the east door and the wheel carved around the door.

Obstructed Pattern: Ignorance, depression, delusion, spacing out
Transformation/Wisdom: Wisdom of Dharmadatu or Totality
Element: Space
Time: No time, totality of everything
Landscape: White sky in wintertime, big sky
Body Type: Plump, relaxed, round


Vajra Family, Blue, Water, symbol is  “Vajra or Dorje”

Blue Dakini carved above the east door and the vajra carved around the door.

Obstructed Pattern: Anger
Transformation/Wisdom: Mirror Like Wisdom
Element: Water
Time: Dawn
Landscape: Rugged mountains, icy rivers
Body Type: Thin and hard, clean cut

Deity above the door is Garab Dorje – 1stmaster and human teacher of Dzogchen.


Ratna Family, Gold/Yellow, Earth, symbol is the “Jewel”.

See Yellow Dakini carved above the door and the Tibetan style jewels carved around the door.

Obstructed Pattern: Pride, Inadequacy
Transformation/Wisdom: Wisdom of Equinimity
Element: Earth
Time: High Noon
Landscape: Jungle, Fertile Valleys
Body Type: Generous, Large, Statuesque

Deity above the door is Longchenpa (12th century) Dzogchen Master and great teacher in the Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism.


Padma Family, Red, Fire, symbol is “Lotus”

See Red Dakini carved above the door and the lotuses carved around the door

Obstructed Pattern: Craving, compulsive seduction, lust, longing, desire
Transformation/Wisdom: Discriminating awareness wisdom
Element: Fire
Time: Sunset
Landscape: Soft, rolling hills, mossy glens
Body Type: Perfectly proportioned, well-toned, very seductive

Deities above the door are: Guru Rinpoche and his consorts, Yeshe Tsogyal and Mandarava.


Karma Family, Green, Air, Symbol is “Sword and a Double Vajra”

See Green Dakini carved above door and the carved sword around the door.

Obstructed Pattern: Envy, ambition, speediness
Transformation/Wisdom:  All-accomplishing wisdom
Element: Air
Time: Midnight
Landscape: Complicated, windy place
Body Type:  Thin, wispy, see in in profile, always moving

Deity above the door is Machig Labdron.