Residential Retreats
Residential retreats at Tara Mandala offer opportunities to enter a caring, group container for undertaking intensive meditation and deepening of Buddhist practice and study. The mindfulness and meditation practices taught on retreats are often accompanied and complemented by training in methods to effectively guide and empower our capacity to become role models in the world through methods, such as, Feeding Your Demons® and Mandala Training processes developed by Lama Tsultrim Allione.
Our residential retreats usually involve a gathering of anywhere from 10 to 70 participants. During a residential retreat, silence is often held during part or all of the retreat. In this silent and mindful environment, awareness sharpens, the body quiets, the mind clears, and space opens for insight and understanding to develop. Retreats at Tara Mandala offer a caring group container for undertaking intensive meditation and deepening of Buddhist practice and teachings.

Retreats are led by Lama Tsultrim Allione and/or her Senior Teachers, holders of Lama Tsultrim’s lineage selected and trained by Lama Tsultrim. Tara Mandala also invites guest teachers that are well-known and beloved in our broader community. The teachers offer instructions, dharma talks and regularly scheduled practice meetings to provide guidance throughout the retreat. Group work and interaction are often also a component of the retreats during instruction and group meetings.
Check out our Retreat Calendar »
Find out more about the residential retreat experience »
Solitary Retreat Cabins
Retreat cabins at Tara Mandala provide a rare and precious opportunity to be completely secluded in a remote mountain setting where one is free to maintain intensive practice and connect with their innermost being. They feature vast views and complete privacy. It can allow practitioners time and space to bring to fruition meditation and advanced practices, as well as an opportunity to slow down the pace of regular daily life full of deadlines and distractions.
The retreat cabins at Tara Mandala have been created through the loving kindness, generosity, and hard labor of many people. Currently we have three cabins suited for year-round practice. All of them provide ample space inside and out for yoga, meditation and other movement practices. They facilitate inner stillness and seclusion, ideal for weekend retreats to month-long and year-long retreats.
Find out more details on amenities and book a solitary retreat cabin now »

Intro to Meditation & Open Houses
Tara Mandala is open to the general public several times each year. You are welcome to join us for a guided tour of our beautiful Retreat Center and Tara Temple, which includes a brief introduction to meditation, time for Q&A, and a vegetarian buffet lunch. Our Tara Mandala Store is open during these visits. There is no charge, but online registration is required.
The Intro to Meditation Class is held in the afternoon during an Open House event and introduces the basics of Buddhist meditation. One does not need to be a Buddhist to attend or to derive great benefit from this afternoon. This class is suitable for all levels, from complete beginners to experienced practitioners.
Reserve a place for an Open House and/or Intro to Meditation Class »
Please note that visiting at other times is by appointment only. Please contact us if you have any questions at (970) 731-3711 ext. 108 or by contacting the Registrar on this page.
Online Offerings
If you cannot come to Tara Mandala, we will come to you! The mission of our online programs is to offer greater access to Dharma teachings to people around the world, whether you are new to practice or have been practicing for decades. Our online courses provide teachings and practice support, with courses from Lama Tsultrim’s Feeding Your Demons® to practices such as Chöd and Green Tara. Online courses are video- and audio-based, and include home practice instructions.

Living Dharma Apprentice Program
Tara Mandala’s “Living Dharma” Apprentice Program is a unique summer apprenticeship program created to enable meditation practitioners of all backgrounds and experience levels a powerful way to deepen your engagement with and understanding of Vajrayana Buddhist practice. Tara Mandala is one of the few practice places in the world where the lineage of Machig Labdron, an emphasis on the Sacred Feminine, and the compassion of 21 Taras are at the center of the practice mandala. The Living Dharma Apprentice Program brings all of this to life for you in a transformative five months!
Local Practice Groups – Global Sangha Offerings
Tara Mandala has more than 40 global sangha centers in nine countries around the world. These local practice groups offer teachings, online courses and practices, local practice sessions and individual support. Groups are led by Senior and Apprentice Teachers in Lama Tsultrim’s lineage.