Apr 12

Illuminating Practice – Upcoming Lung With Lama Tsultrim, and Special Opportunity Daylongs

Three key elements to Tibetan Buddhist practice are: Transmission from teacher to student – receiving the blessings and maintaining an unbroken Dharma lineage; our own self-managed Commitment to study and practice; and the Support of Sangha.
Tara Mandala offers some upcoming opportunities to nurture these three elements of practice. We share these from the radiance of our loving heart to yours. May they illuminate your practice. Browse these below »
On Saturday, June 10, Lama Tsultrim Allione will offer our Open Webcast Transmission event. During this free LIVE webcast, she offers the Oral Transmission (Tib. Lung) for four of the core practices in the Tara Mandala community:
  • The practice of Green Tara from the Ösel Dorje Sangdzö
  • The Riwo Sangchö practice from the Rigdzin Sogdrub
  • The Chöd practice of Chögyal Namkha’i Norbu Rinpoche
  • The Zhitro practice of the Namchö tradition
For more information and registration of this event, click here »

Once you receive transmission, you will be authorized to access explanatory teachings (Tib. Tri) on these practices and to do them on your own. Tara Mandala offers cutting-edge online courses to guide you in detail through each of the four practices.

To browse our Self-Paced Courses & Teachings, click here »

Self-Paced Courses are composed of professionally filmed videos that you can watch at your own pace. These courses include access to private discussion forums to interact with other participants.

To learn more about each of these Online Courses, click on the links below:

Zhitro (with Lama Tsultrim Allione) – click here »
Green Tara (with Lama Tsultrim Allione and Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam) – click here »
Riwo Sangchö (with Lama Tsultrim Allione and Anna Raithel) – click here »
Chöd of Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche (with Lama Tsultrim Allione) – click here »

Daylong Virtual Retreats

Daylong Virtual Retreats are a popular event for our international community, to reinvigorate new life, friendships, and connection on your path. In a daylong, you are sure to find inspiration, support, and fresh insights into your practice. Connect with one of these practice communities below.
*Please note some of these daylongs require that you have received the lung and teachings for that particular practice.

Dentog Chigma Chöd

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • April 29

Carrying Machig’s legacy as we have learned from Lama Tsering Wangdu, Drubpön Lama Karma, and Druk Zangri Khamar, Bhutan. Dive into key sections of the practice, including visualizations, and reflect on the inner meaning of the teachings embedded in this powerful practice.
Revisit melodies, drum rhythms, and mudras and receive direct guidance through Q&A. We’ll share in joyful community through shared practice, dialogue, and a closing tsog … Learn more »

About Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam

Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam has studied Tibetan Buddhism for the last 20 years, was authorized to teach by Lama Tsultrim Allione in 2006, and received the title of Magyu Lopön, lead teacher of Magyu: The Mother Lineage at Tara Mandala from Lama Tsultrim in 2016. Lopön Charlotte teaches in the US and abroad, often in partnership with her husband Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen … Read more »

About Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen

Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen is a teacher and a long-time student of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been teaching various practices and retreats in Lama Tsultrim’s lineage in the US and abroad since 2006, offering a blend of incisive insight and genuine compassion. He co-leads the Boulder Tara Mandala Sangha with Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam, and serves as the President of the Tara Mandala Board … Read more »

Honoring Mothers in the Refuge of Practice and Sangha

With Gena McCarthy RN, MFT • May 13

For all who identify as people mothering or grandmothering, this will be a day of rest and transformation within the embrace of our practice and community. By taking time to care for ourselves and witness the gifts we are offering, we will fortify our connection to ourselves, our families and our communities.
We will guide you in connecting with your strengths, increase compassion for yourself, your family, and your ancestors, and learn meditation practices to support your path of motherhood and grandmotherhood … Learn more »

About Gena McCarthy RN, MFT

Gena McCarthy RN, MFT is an EMDR certified perinatal psychotherapist. She is the founder and developer of the Birth Spirituality and Healing Network, the Contra Costa County Perinatal Depression to Wellness Network and developed two local HMO Perinatal Integrative Health Programs. She co-founded the East Bay/ SF Peer Perinatal Professional Ceremony Circle. Gena is a long-time Tara Mandala sangha member. She has been trained in cross cultural shamanic, Buddhist, Cherokee peacekeeping practices and perinatal psychology … Read more »

Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche Chöd

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S. • June 17

Lopön Karla brings so much heart, joy, inspiration, and depth to these popular daylongs. Connect with this unique Chöd practice from Chögyal Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche, known by many as the most accessible and integrated version of Chöd, covering such rich territory in such a short practice.
This makes the practice one that we can never discover enough about. Join Karla as she shares her many years of devotion to this practice and these teachings, guiding us on our path of severanceLearn more »

About Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S.

Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer, M.S., Tara Mandala Teacher, has been practicing Chöd for over three decades and has assisted Lama Tsultrim on many Chöd retreats. She has co-taught Chöd since 2013 with Lama Tsultrim and Löpon Chandra. She has taught and led Chöd Practices for the NYC Tara Mandala Sangha which she leads. In October 2012, she received the Chöd Empowerment from His Holiness the 17th Karmapa. She leads a monthly BBIPOC meditation practice for Tara Mandala … Read more »


With Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT • September 30

The time of death, for ourselves, and those dear to us, is a powerful time when our lifetime of practice can be of it’s greatest benefit. Zhitro offers a real way for a practitioner to help the deceased. We invite you to share this time with Lopön Polly, to receive further support and deepening of these teachings, including familiarity with the visualizations and experiences that arise when doing this practice … Learn more »

About Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT

Lopön Polly Ryan, MA, MFT, is a Tara Mandala teacher and has been a devoted student of Lama Tsultrim Allione since 1992. She has also studied with Lama Alan Wallace for over three decades. Under the tutelage of Lama Alan Wallace, she has studied Shamatha, The Four Applications of Mindfulness, The Seven Point Mind Training, The Four Immeasurables, Dzogchen, and other practices. She has received teachings from many other Tibetan teachers including Kalachakra and Dzogchen teachings from H.H. the Dalai Lama in the late 1980’s … Read more »

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