Nov 03

This Saturday! Lama’s Birthday Celebrations

Celebrate With Us This Saturday, November 5!

The day is almost here! On Saturday, November 5 we will journey through Lama Tsultrim’s remarkable life, sharing the inspiration with our sangha spread across the world, and honoring Lama’s legacy through giving. You are all invited! Don’t miss your spot at Saturday’s event!

We will feature personal stories and memories shared by family, peers and long-time friends of Lama Tsultrim as well as new voices from sangha members far and wide. We will see how Lama’s gifts are now ours to lovingly carry forward into the future.

Below, watch this trailer for the video “Lama Tsultrim Allione: Celebrating a Life of Practice”, which will be screened at the event. To watch, click on the video.

Lama Tsultrim Allione Legacy Circle

You’re Not Too Late to Join!

Just a few weeks ago we announced the launch of the Lama Tsultrim Allione Legacy Circle, and now we are getting close to having 60 members! This shows us how many people have already let us know they will be putting Tara Mandala in their will or leaving something to Tara Mandala in their estate. That is an absolutely incredible response!

We want to express our deep appreciation to all the new members of the Legacy Circle who have the capacity to support in this way and understand the powerful benefits of a legacy gift to ensure that Tara Mandala continues to be a beacon of wisdom and compassion for future generations.

But we are not done! Our goal was to get to 75 people in the Legacy Circle by the time of Lama Tsultrim’s Celebration and Benefit on November 5th.

That means we still hope that some of you will come forward – essentially “raise your hand” – and let us know that you have this aspiration. Please think about this and if you can, help us get to that magic number of 75. That way when we hand Lama her birthday card this Saturday there will be the names of 75 Sangha members ready to support Tara Mandala into the future.

Help us make this happen by visiting this simple Legacy Circle sign up form. Click the button below »


The other day, we mentioned to Lama that we might still get to 75, and she said, “Good, let’s go for 108.” Who knows, maybe you will help us get there in the next few days!

We look forward to sharing this magical event with you on Saturday.

With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photos: Prayer Flag (J. Brownlee)
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