Jul 26

Temple Fund

As we begin to open our doors again, your donation breathes life into the Tara Mandala Temple.

Dear Community,
We have been waiting for this moment to welcome our Sangha back to the land! With the Temple Fund, we call upon your generosity to contribute to the urgent restoration projects and repairs of our beloved Tara Mandala Temple.

With great appreciation we reflect upon the many events hosted in the Temple over the years, including 2017’s International Chöd Conference, Dharma offerings from Pema Chödrön, Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo and Shiva Rea, magical concerts with Krishna Das, R. Carlos Nakai, Nawang Khechog, and Peter Rowan, and of course our annual White Dakini Drubchen, and Twenty-One Taras Drubchö. The Dakini magic has always been present!

Many of you have already generously stepped up to help us raise $108,000 to complete critical repairs for drainage and snow melt, repair and refresh paint on the inside, restore the artwork on the outside of the temple, purchase new cushions and furnishings, purchase AV/film/live-streaming equipment, and establish a permanent maintenance fund to support ongoing needs including the gardens and irrigation system.

The Tara Mandala Temple Fund is your opportunity to keep this Dakini spirit alive. Help us fill our “Dakini-meter” below, making it possible to share with our Sangha many more inspiring events, and help keep the Temple a safe and welcoming place for people from all walks of life.

To learn more about the temple, click here »

We thank you for your generous contribution to this Temple Fund. Together, may we always celebrate in the divine!

With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photo Credits: Header (Deborah Howe), Temple teachings (J. Brownlee)
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