May 17

Temple Fund

Dear Sangha,
Today’s full moon has special significance, as we celebrate the birthday of Machig Labdrön and usher forth our very own “re-birth” with the launch of our Temple Fund.
We are excited to begin hosting retreats on the land in Colorado in July, and this long-awaited moment brings urgency to preserving and maintaining our sacred 12,000 sq. ft. Tara Temple.

Our mandala-shaped Tara Temple is now 13 years old and in need of restoration and upgrades. Today we are launching the Temple Fund to raise funds for critical repairs and maintenance projects beginning in June, including repairing extensive water damage, snow melt remediation and new lighting in the Main Shrine Room.

The Temple Fund will also fund restoration of the detailed artwork on the facades of the temple, painting on the interior corridors, new meditation cushions and shrine room furnishings, new AV/film/live stream equipment; and it will seed a permanent Temple Fund to support ongoing maintenance and restoration needs.

This is an auspicious time of the year in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, and also for Tara Mandala. We take this moment to honor Machig Labdrön’s birthday and reflect upon our mission of preserving her lineage and teachings. We also celebrate the beginnings of Saga Dawa, the month that commemorates the Buddha’s birth, enlightenment, and parinirvana (death). We invite you to join us in generosity and sharing in the Dharma, a time when our positive actions will be multiplied ten million times.
Please join us! Your gift—in whatever amount feels right for you—will ensure our Temple will be preserved and maintained for generations to come. We are deeply grateful for your support.
To learn more about the temple, click here »
Photos: Top (temple restoration), bottom left (Lama Gyurme), bottom right (temple doors)

May our temple continue to be an inspiration for all, and may all beings benefit!

With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photo Credits: Header, Temple pole and temple doors (Bodhi Stroupe)
gold geometric divider