Tara Mandala International

Tara Mandala International

Tara Mandala has more than 40 sanghas in nine countries around the world who meet regularly in person and virtually. Visit this page for more information on Global Sanghas. Global Sanghas as well as other organizations and centers host Lama Tsultrim and Tara Mandala’s Teachers in local retreats on a regular basis. See the listings below for upcoming retreats and events internationally.

July 2024
August 2024

Join Lama Tsultrim Allione at the Hollyhock Cortes (BC, Canada) for a transformative retreat on Non-Dual Awareness: An Exploration of Effortless Presence. Students will learn how to identify the non-dual state, resting in their true nature and going beyond effortful meditation to find the freedom of open awareness.

Aug 09 - 14 2024
North America
Lama Tsultrim Allione
September 2024

English with German and Italian Translation Tulku Ösel is pleased to offer to the Ösel Nyingtig students this profound teaching from the Ösel Nyingtig terma Cycle for accomplishing the Guru known as the Secret Thigle. This is the final practice within the Ösel Nyingtig that completes the three roots (Lama, Yidam and Dakini).

Sep 18 - 22 2024
Dorje Gyaltsab Tulku Ösel Dorje
October 2024

Siamo felici di condividere un’altra preziosa opportunità che avrà luogo in Italia ad Ottobre: un ritiro in presenza sul Dakini Ngöndro, le pratiche preliminari del lignaggio Ösel Nyingtig.

Oct 03 - 06 2024
Dorje Gyaltsab Tulku Ösel Dorje

This practice day is an opportunity for the participants who attended Lama Tsultrim’s teachings on 5 October to deepen their experience with the practice and discuss any outstanding questions. Lopön Barbara will work with students to resolve difficulties with the method and the group will practice the process intensively.

Oct 06 2024
Lopön Barbara Staemmler

Oddiyana, a sacred, mystical place in northwest India, is known as the “Land of Dakinis” (Dakini, the embodied principle of dynamic female wisdom energy) because of the many powerful women teachers who lived and live there. Lama Tsültrim Allione will teach profound and clear core teachings (Pith Instructions) of the Dzogchen lineage teachers on the unadulterated primal nature of the mind.

Oct 23 - 27 2024
Lama Tsultrim Allione
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