Feb 20

Saturday 2/26 – Open Webcast Transmission with Lama Tsultrim Allione

On Saturday, February 26, Lama Tsultrim Allione will offer our Open Webcast Transmission event. During this free LIVE webcast, she offers the Oral Transmission (Tib. Lung) for four of the core practices in the Tara Mandala community:
  • The Zhitro practice of the Namchö tradition
  • The practice of Green Tara from the Ösel Dorje Sangdzö
  • The Riwo Sangchö practice from the Rigdzin Sogdrub
  • The Chöd practice of Chögyal Namkha’i Norbu Rinpoche

Webcast Access Information

In this video, Lama Tsultrim Allione explains the tradition of the lung in Tibetan Buddhism. To watch, click on the video below.


Transmission from teacher to student is one of the cornerstones of Tibetan Buddhism, maintaining a direct, unbroken Dharma lineage from the time of the Buddha. The blessings of the lineage masters are passed along to the student with the authorization to engage in the practice, creating the auspicious interdependence necessary for authentic accomplishments to ripen. As such, to receive any kind of transmission from an authorized lineage holder should be treated as a very special and sacred occurrence. In ancient times, notice of such events would be shared discreetly through secret language about traversing the paths. Today, we are blessed with the ability to benefit countless beings through the interconnectivity of the “cyberdhatu”. We ask that only those with a sincere interest in studying and engaging in the practice of the above teachings attend the transmission in order to maintain continuity and respect for the lineage.

Teachings & Practice

Once you receive transmission, you will be authorized to access explanatory teachings (Tib. Tri) on these practices and to do them on your own. Tara Mandala Online currently offers cutting-edge online programs to guide students in detail through each of the four practices.

Click here to browse our Self-Paced Courses & Teachings »
Click here to browse our ‘Live’ Online Courses »

For other offerings and personal guidance online, please refer to our Community Support and Practice Offerings. Here you can also view a calendar of upcoming offerings. Click here to view this page.


With Lama Tsultrim Allione

The simple and accessible practice of Zhitro offers a real way for a practitioner to help the deceased. This practice also helps one to become familiarized with the visions and experiences one may experience during the 49 days following one’s own passing. This practice comes from Namkha Mingyur Dorje, the young tertön whose revelations were written down by his teacher Karma Chagme. His revealed treasure practices, collectively referred to as “Namchö” or “Space Treasures” … Read more »


With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam

Green Tara is one of the most beloved and important deities in Tibetan Buddhism, and is the female emanation of compassion and swift-acting skillful means. This is a great introductory course for understanding ‘deity’ practice in Buddhism. This Green Tara sadhana comes from the Ösel Dorje Sangdzö, the “Luminous Secret Vajra Treasury,” as taught by Adzom Drukpa. Read more »


With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Anna Raithel

Riwo Sangchö (“a mountainside smoke offering”) is a practice to heal the suffering of samsara, through the practice of boundless compassion and abundant offering. It removes obstacles and avert negativity, bringing benefit to innumerable beings. Read more »


With Lama Tsultrim Allione

Cut through fear, fixation and clinging, by nurturing not fighting, what disturbs our mind. This Chöd practice is empowered through the lineage of the Tibetan Dzogchen master, Chögyal Namkhai Norbu. Lama Tsultrim, as well as Lopön Chandra Easton, have been authorized by Chögyal Namkhai Norbu to teach this Chöd practice. Read more »

Photos: Header (J. Brownlee)
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