Dec 30

Accepting Applications for 2021 Magyu: The Mother Lineage

Magyu is a path of spiritual and emotional awakening, integrating ancient Tibetan Buddhist practices with modern teachings appropriate for our western disposition.

As we enter the new year, Tara Mandala is launching the long-term practice program – Magyu: The Mother Lineage for the seventh year. The Mother Lineage is oriented toward dedicated practitioners who wish to walk a spiritual path with guidance and support. It includes solitary retreats, group retreats, and dedicated daily practice, but without a specific daily practice requirement. It is a path of personal development and individuation, as well as a path of spiritual evolution leading to the stabilization of the recognition of the ground of being and its display. Learn more about Magyu. We are now accepting applications for 2021.

Below, browse our upcoming Magyu retreats.
Please note: Throughout 2021, we will announce a new set of retreats each quarter and as additional retreats become available.

The PIR Program is a retreat-like experience that allows you to set down the concerns of worldly life and direct your energy towards intensive study and practice for a minimum of three months, with options to extend your stay to up to six months.

With the combination of daily community practice, access to Tara Mandala’s library and video teachings, and meals and accommodation, this is ideal for Vajrayana practitioners, and supports those in Tara Mandala long-term practice paths, such as Magyu, Gateway, and Ösel Nyingtig.

We are now accepting applications for the next PIR season, beginning February 15. To learn more and apply, click here.

Magyu Program Overview


The 11th century teacher Machig Labdrön developed several different lineages during her lifetime, including one called the Magyu, the Mother Lineage. This lineage was unique to her as many of the practices came through her meditation experiences with direct transmissions from deities. Both men and women held these lineages. Machig’s second son, Tönyöm Samdrub, was the main lineage holder of her Mother Lineage. At Tara Mandala, Lama Tsultrim Allione has been inspired to follow this model by introducing Magyu: the Mother Lineage Program … Read more »

Upcoming Magyu Retreats

Walking the Buddha’s Path to Genuine Happiness

With Lopön Polly Ryan • January 9 to March 4

Join us on the ‘Buddha’s Path’ to enhanced wisdom, inner peace and joy. More than just a biography, the details of the historical Buddha’s life are key metaphors for seeing clearly the underlying causes of our human pain, as well as uncovering our ability to sustain true contentment … Read more »

Chöd: From Chögyal Namkhai Norbu

With Lopön Karla Jackson-Brewer • January 16 – 24

Chöd is a unique blend of the Tibetan Shamanic traditions and the Buddhist tradition of compassion and emptiness. This centuries-old practice is sung, and is accompanied by the use of a traditional Chöd drum and bell. Healing comes when fear, fixation, and self-clinging are cut through, when we nurture and … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® Level II – Online Program

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • Begins February 27

Continue your journey along the Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) path. This online program is offered through two tracks: The Secular and Buddhist tracks. Magyu students are required to join the Buddhist Track. Additional note: We offer the “Full Certification” FYD option, which includes FYD Levels I and II … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons®: Kapala Training Level III

With Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • February 28 – March 5

In Kapala Training Level III we will go further into Machig Labdrön’s lineage, learning specific new practices and deepening our understanding of the roots and branches of her lineage tree … Read more »

Wisdom Rising: Journey into the Union of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine

With Magyu Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • March 14 – 20

In this retreat you will receive the transmission for and learn the Yab Yum Mandala practice developed by Lama Tsultrim Allione. The Yab Yum represents our inherent wholeness which holds all dualities in a dynamic totality … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® Full Certification – Online Program

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • Begins April 8

For those who would like to complete both Feeding Your Demons® FYD Levels I and II, and become certified in offering the FYD practice to others in a therapeutic setting … Read more »

Feeding Your Demons® Level I – Online Program

With Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam and Lopön Pieter Oosthuizen • Begins April 9

Begin your journey with Feeding Your Demons® (FYD). This online program is offered through two tracks: The Secular and Buddhist tracks. Magyu students are required to join the Buddhist Track. Additional note: We offer the “Full Certification” FYD option, which includes FYD Levels I and II … Read more »


With Dorje Lopön Chandra Easton • April 22 – 27

This retreat consists of a deepening of the Prajña Paramita practice, an introduction to Jamgön Kongtrül’s text “Transmitting the Meaning of the Mother,” and Machig Labdrön’s method for cutting through discursive thoughts with sound. Feeding Your Demons® (FYD) work will expand through the mapping of family lineage demons … Read more »

Green Tara ‘Live’ Online Program

With Lama Tsultrim Allione and Dorje Lopön Charlotte Rotterdam • June 12 to July 31

Green Tara is one of the most loved Tibetan deities as she represents the ultimate form of ‘swift-acting’ compassion. In this eight week ‘live’ online program, enjoy over nine hours of video teachings and guided meditations with Lama Tsultrim, and four live webcasts with Lopön Charlotte, offering additional teachings and answering questions … Read more »

Wisdom Rising Online Program

With Lama Tsultrim Allione • November 6 to December 18

Lama Tsultrim’s Wisdom Rising teachings offer practical methods to investigate the nature of our minds, giving us clear understanding of ancient wisdom and its application as medicine for our times. Journey into the mandala of the empowered feminine, returning to wholeness … Read more »

May your path offer you joyous and spacious awakening, benefitting all beings.

~ With Blessings,
Tara Mandala

Photos: Header (J. Brownlee)
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